Looking for 6th player for on-going Traveller campaign every other Monday: 4:30 to 9:30pm US Central. Discord for voice. Ultimate license, so demo will work.

This campaign is not for everyone.

This is a sandbox, player-driven campaign. The players set the tone of the campaign. The GM doesn't railroad the players into a course of action based on being ill-prepared or personal whims. There's no predictable combat/RP percentage as the players ultimately drive this based on their actions. You may play several sessions with no combat only to turn around and fight a large battle that takes two or more sessions to complete. Or something in between. Who knows what will happen?

It requires experienced roleplayers who know what they want for their characters. There are usually mutliple plots happening and consequences for poor choices may be severe (just like real life). If you sit around waiting for something to happen, you may be disappointed. In order for it to be a player-driven campaign, we play through the 'boring parts' so that characters have opportunities to work on personal goals. If you have a hard time waiting your turn, probably not the game for you. However, the possiblities are endless. You're not simply a cog in a character machine that jumps from 'adventure to adventure', but a complex individual with personal goals that are achievable within the wider scope of the game.

This campaign will run for a couple of years or more and we've been playing for almost a year. Just need that sixth player who understands what they're about to get into. NO FLAKES. I don't flake, so i expect the same from you.

I probably won't be checking here very often so message me if you're interested on Discord: knuckleballned

We'll have a convo to see if you are a good fit.