1. #1

    [BUG]Attack from Chat dragged to Combat Tracker not showing.

    Issue: Dragging Attack from the Chat window, to the Combat tracker, doesn't show / make an attack as in the case somebody didn't target or forgot to, and the GM should be able to fix it.

    Expected result: Drag from chat to ct, attack shows as attack

    Create character
    Create npc
    Drag both to CT
    Make attack with no target
    Drag from chat, (observe attack icon under mouse showing an "ATTACK") drop on CT as in "fixing" non targeted attack

  2. #2
    This is needed, for Rate of fire attacks, or "AOE" attacks, which attack a SPOT then you can "choose" which characters get hit / missed. If the GM can't assign the attack, then the attack doesn't work.

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