1. #1

    Linking sound Files in tables

    Hello all,
    I'm using the VLC-Sound extension and am trying to add sound links in a table. An example would be:

    1 |Dwarves|Dwarf Description1|Narration*

    *sound file narration about dwarves

    I'm using this table to generate content for a STORY TEMPLATE. Everything works EXCEPT I get a sound file path instead of the link itself.

    Does anyone know if this scenario is possible, or what I need to look at?

    The sound files are in the FGU/Sounds Directory and the sound files are imported into a [Sound Set] Random-Tables.

    Thanks in advance
    Ultimate License Holder- Playin' D&D since '79, GMing since '81 and still rockin' the geriatric crowd.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Weepdrag View Post
    Hello all,
    I'm using the VLC-Sound extension and am trying to add sound links in a table. An example would be:

    1 |Dwarves|Dwarf Description1|Narration*

    *sound file narration about dwarves

    I'm using this table to generate content for a STORY TEMPLATE. Everything works EXCEPT I get a sound file path instead of the link itself.

    Does anyone know if this scenario is possible, or what I need to look at?

    The sound files are in the FGU/Sounds Directory and the sound files are imported into a [Sound Set] Random-Tables.

    Thanks in advance
    You still have to manually build and assign your triggers and links, regardless of the output from a table. If you build everything a head of time you still have to organize and update your context data for chat triggers. Have you already did all of the sound sets for each of your local sounds?

    Last edited by Laerun; Today at 01:15.
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  3. #3
    Hi Laerun,

    Thanks, I've already built the sound files into a [Sound Set]. I can drag the sounds onto Story Pages and Story Templates and they work fine. The trouble happens when I drag a sound link to a table, then it goes sideways. The link appears just fine in the table (and plays when clicked), BUT when referencing the link in the Story Template, the link doesn't transfer (only the path to the sound file). I treated these sound files just like all of the other sound files that I've used successfully for a couple of years. Maybe needs an additional step??
    Thanks again

    The attached screenshot shows the tables and files involved as well as the result
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Weepdrag; Today at 02:11.
    Ultimate License Holder- Playin' D&D since '79, GMing since '81 and still rockin' the geriatric crowd.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Weepdrag View Post
    Hi Laerun,

    Thanks, I've already built the sound files into a [Sound Set]. I can drag the sounds onto Story Pages and Story Templates and they work fine. The trouble happens when I drag a sound link to a table, then it goes sideways. The link appears just fine in the table (and plays when clicked), BUT when referencing the link in the Story Template, the link doesn't transfer (only the path to the sound file). I treated these sound files just like all of the other sound files that I've used successfully for a couple of years. Maybe needs an additional step??
    Thanks again

    The attached screenshot shows the tables and files involved as well as the result
    You might need an extension built to carry the type of output that you desire. I hope that you will find a solution to this.

    Since you have done the leg work, is there any reason why you cannot just output a trigger word or phrases to the chat? If it's already setup in the sound sets, it should work as a chat trigger.

    I guess you will need to explain your use case and what behavior you are expecting. But I have never seen links output into a story entry for the story template feature other than text and number output.
    Last edited by Laerun; Today at 03:02.
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  5. #5
    Thanks Laerun,
    I'll try to figure out a way to do a chat trigger, and maybe a few other things.

    The Chat Trigger works for the most part.

    Thank you again
    Last edited by Weepdrag; Today at 05:51.
    Ultimate License Holder- Playin' D&D since '79, GMing since '81 and still rockin' the geriatric crowd.

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