FG License: Standard, so you would need Standard as well to play.
Game System: Cyberpunk RED

Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4)
Day of week and time: Wednesday 6pm
Planned Duration and Frequency: Weekly Game ending in 4 hours, at 10 pm my time.

Text or Voice: Voice
Language: English
Software Used: Discord
Recording/Streaming: I may record just to listen back myself, not for public consumption.

Players Needed: Have one, looking for 3-4 more
Character Creation Method: Either Edgerunner or complete package, depends on experience and interest.

Campaign: Homebrew, set in Night City in 2045-ish. No CEMK.

I have GM’d a number of different systems in the past, including a few sessions of RED a few months ago, and have been interested in running a campaign. Looking for players interested in learning the rules, having some fun, and telling a great story.

Players should message either here or in discord.