Looking for a group of players, we are two middle aged dads looking for 4-5 committed players, aged 30+. The goal is to play once a week on Tuesday nights from 7pm - 10pm MST (GMT-7). We play on Fantasy Grounds

Few things to note
Character creation is being done using only three books for Race, Class, Backgrounds, and Spells. Anything outside these books is out of consideration.
Player's Handbook
Xanathar's Guide
Tasha's Cauldron

2014 vs 2024 = We're not really considering moving to 2024 until all three core books come out, and then it would be a table discussion

We don't play with Multiclassing, I'm sorry if this breaks your character concept but it's not an option, and no I'm not willing to debate it.

What we bring to the table
- Two DM's willing to run the game, each with almost 30 years of experience with Dungeons and Dragons, we are coming off of 7 years with three different groups (3 years, 2 years, and 2 years).

- We are accepting and friendly to all (LGBTQ+) and willing to bring new players up to speed. One of us will be a player and the other DMing so if you're new you'll have support on both sides of the VTT.

- Our games do not include any sexual or sexualized content (Think fade to black PG T.V. style)

- We are committed to the cadence, and we will communicate well in advance if a session will not occur for any reason. The only exception to this is illness/family crisis of course.

- We want to have fun before getting too caught up in the technicality of rules, me the one posting this is a rules lawyer type but the #1 rule is fun and narrative first.

- We own all the WoTC books in their digital format (Plus a few extras) so when we are playing you will have access to all the resources, you don't need to buy anything.

- I classify my knowledge of Fantasy Grounds as Low to Medium, and I am definitely open to learning more if you're coming in with better knowledge. I don't have any extensions installed and frankly they confuse me a bit, I'm not adverse but "I would like to know more." (Insert Starship Troopers Meme)

What you bring to the table


First to give everyone a chance to get a feel for each other - then to give the game a chance to fall into it's rhythm, and of course to having fun and playing D&D as a narrative cooperative game it's not a competition between players, or between players and DM.


- communicate any days you can't play in advance of the sessions (Exceptions apply e.g. illness/family crisis), communicate if you will be late the day of (not like 5 minutes late because you are in the bathroom, think more like 15+ minutes late because you have something else on the go)

Online capable

- You are willing to play on an online table top and roll dice digitally on the same tabletop (Fantasy Grounds) - You have a computer with a webcam, microphone, and speakers (Or headphones/set) and are willing to play the games on camera, for us it helps to see all the smiley, scared, or sometimes angry faces

Willing to work as a group

- D&D is a collective narrative game, where you the players work with the DM to form a story.
The only must that we need for games is the characters are heroic and want to do the right thing even if they struggle with flaws (unlikely hero, reluctant hero, heroism thrust upon them, anti-hero etc...). This means sometimes you get the spotlight, other times you yield the spotlight to others (If you never want a spotlight just let me know)

We will be starting with in a homebrew world that we have been crafting for about 10 years now. Details on the campaign at the end. There will be a session 0 to make characters, meet other players etc...

Please feel free to ask any questions here.

That's all the game stuff, however I never thought I would have to add these last parts. But it seems that I do based on a experience

We're friendly towards and expect all players to be friendly towards LGBTQ+, We're pro-vax and mostly pro Liberal/NDP (Democratic/Green for my US friends, and Labour Party for my UK friends. Sorry I don't know the equivalent in any other countries).

The table will have time to socialize and get to know one another at the beginning of each session, this does not include discussing conspiracy theories and/or hatred for any group of people (Political or religious), just keep the peace we're playing D&D not starting a debate club.

While most character stuff is flavorful and can be re-flavored (Want to pick Storm Sorcerer but want Tempestuous Magic to include a cool Thunderclap with the gusts of wind (No mechanical changes) - Rock and Roll), but you can't re-flavor the core of the class, for example, you want to be a Fiendish Warlock but want your patron to be an angel of peaceful Harmony.

Your characters have to want to adventure, for any reason, this is the stupidest thing I've ever written but we literal had a player make a character who was adverse to leaving home it was so painful to play out at the table.

Still with me?, still want to play with us?, I didn't put in a Too long didn't read on purpose. Fill out this google form questionnaire. Then if you're interested the campaign details are below

Campaign Details: Escape The Archipelago

You start on an Island called Tidewatch Island, in a village called Tidewatch (I named both of these! very creatively) populated primarily with Tritons. The Archipelago is sealed from exit (Whether you start knowing this or find out is up to how you make your character) there is no way out of it, however many ships do find their way in when sailing off course. The adventure will have lots of islands to discover, you could have sailing adventures, explore islands in detail, but the end goal is to find a way to unseal and/or escape the Archipelago. It's a bit of sandbox campaign so the level at which you resolve this could be any.

Reasons you could be on Tidewatch Island
If you want to be from a mainland, and have just landed at Tidewatch this was the default position I had intended but you could also

Be from Tidewatch, you don't have to be a Triton, you could live there, be visiting from another island, or arrived in any timeframe you choose based on backstory

Be from one of the other islands (All islands have more than one race but what I'm putting in is the main race(s)
Fizzlefuse Island (Closest to Tidewatch, Gnomes)
Auroria (The main Island, Human)
Lagora (Small Island, also known as Criminal Isle. Population is mainly Paladins from Auroria and Criminals from the various other Islands)
Sunscorshed Island and Kar-Tash (A Large and Small Island, The Isle's of unrelenting sun. Lots of sand, Lots of Humans, lots of Bhuka (Goblinoids))
The Wyrm Spires (Really Small Island, Almost exclusively Dragonborne)
Silvermoon and Briarwood Islands (Two Large Islands, High Elves and Wood Elves respectively)
Deepstone Isle's (3 Islands, home of the Dwarves, some Mountain Dwarves from these islands have adapted to island life and are disconnected from their Ancestors ways of living underground, although there are still many that cling to the old ways of things)

A few islands we could work on if you want to be from them
Skullrend Island (Surrounded by mystery, nobody survives landing at Skullrend if you want to be from here connect with me during character creation and we can work it out)
The Shattered Isles (The elves have warned all other islands to not visit the shattered isles, they haven't provided very much reasoning. (If you start as an elf you'll know the reason why is that Elves cannot be stuck in such a small location as the Archipelago, since after a few hundred years their minds shatter from a lack of stimulation, these are known as shattered elves, the elves take them to the shattered isles but nobody really knows what happens there afterwards)
Shiverwind Island (Known as the Cursed Island, it's in a permanently frozen state, no matter how much the sun shines it never warms up)
