LFP 5E (2014) WBtW Monday 8-11 PM EDT (UTC -4)

Game System: 5th Edition D&D, 2014 rules (Tasha's options allowed)
Day of Week: Monday
Time: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Timezone: EDT (UTC -4)
Frequency: Weekly
GM License: Ultimate
Voice: Discord
Video: Discord
Streaming: No
Game Style: 75% roleplay, 25% combat
Starting Level: 3

I would like to run Wild Beyond the Witchlight for a party of four players. If enough players are interested I will run a one-shot (TBD) for up to six players prior to the start of the campaign and invite players to the campaign based on our experience with the one-shot. We will be using the 2014 rules for 5th Edition D&D, but I am open to most non-homebrew character options. The game will be played in Fantasy Grounds, but I am asking everyone to turn on their cameras during the sessions so that we can see one another while we are roleplaying. The game will not be streamed or saved.

My DM style is roleplay-oriented. I encourage players to create backstories with hooks and goals that will help me integrate them into the world of the campaign. There will be time for the players to roleplay among one another and with NPCs. I am looking for mature, adult players who will be enthusiastic about the story and actively participate in conversations with other characters.

That said, while Wild Beyond the Witchlight is known as a combat-light adventure, there WILL be combat, including combats that I have added into the campaign. So please don't build a full pacifist, or you will be sitting on the sidelines during the fights.

If you are interested in joining the campaign, please DM me with a brief (no more than two paragraphs) pitch for a character you might play in the campaign. You are not committing to this character now; I just want to see your creative side. Your character should be an employee of a traveling carnival. How long have they worked there? What do they do? What might motivate them to leave?