At friggin $10 I was thinking of getting a second license. I already have an Ultimate and I use a second copy on another PC to text my extensions and adventure modules I work on. I kind of prefer not using my non license demo if I can just get another this inexpensive. I picked up my second Ultimate (meaning had prior FGC one) during the Kickstarter with all the nice extras you guys gave us backers. So another $19 is barely a top

So, how would I do this? I need to create a second account on the forum for the login? I forgot what I needed to make my first one years ago. Was it just an email (I already use several) or phone or?

The only downside I see is not have the tokens and what have you that came free with FGU KS (and perhaps a Humble Bundle I did once) other than that I wouldn’t need all the rulesets or modules I’ve bought since I’d be using it to connect to my Ultimate license and never a a DM.