1. #1

    Character Questions


    What is the reason the Deadly Simplicity Cleric feat is not available to Champions?

    In the remaster, Caustic Blast replaces Acid Splash. Running the Beginner Box adventure, Caustic Blast is overpowered. Why create a level 1 AoE cantrip? Do you think the spell's behavior is an error?

    When a character applies Hunt Prey to a target, Flurry modifiers are not being applied. Both Hunt Prey and Flurry (Hunter's Edge) are turned On in the Combat tab. Is there another step to automatically apply the Flurry bonus? (My current solution is to duplicate the weapon with a new name and apply the Flurry Bonus.)
    Last edited by Nodwick; September 28th, 2024 at 17:43.

  2. #2
    Champions don't get Deadly Simplicity as a feat because their Deific Weapon class feature does the same thing.

    I think you are overestimating how useful a 5-foot-burst is on caustic blast; it's not super often that creatures will be tightly bunched up together like that. Electric arc does better damage on average and can almost always hit two creatures.

    For Hunt Prey, make sure you are using the multi-attack buttons at the top of the character sheet, not rolling the second/third attack of your weapon. For example, if your weapon's attacks are +10/+5/+0, for your second attack don't roll the +5. Instead, click the "multi atk #2" button and roll the +10; Flurry will be applied correctly.

  3. #3
    Champions don't get Deadly Simplicity as a feat because their Deific Weapon class feature does the same thing.

    PC1 page 113 Deadly Simplicity: When you are wielding your deity’s favored weapon, increase the damage die size of that weapon by one step.
    If your deity’s favored weapon is an unarmed attack (such as a fist, if you worship Irori) and its damage die is smaller than d6, instead increase its damage die size to d6.

    PC2 page 89 Deific Weapon: You zealously bear your deity’s favored weapon. If it’s an unarmed attack with a d4 damage die or a simple weapon, increase the damage die by one step (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12). If the weapon is uncommon, you gain access to it, and if it’s an advanced weapon, you treat it as a martial weapon for the purposes of proficiency.

    Deific Weapon excludes weapons that are not unarmed attacks with d4 damage or simple weapons. I agree with you that Deific Weapons should be the same as Deadly Simplicity. Maybe this is an oversight in the remaster.

    Caustic Blast: When running adventures, I'll do more to keep mobs from bunching. (I liked the old Acid Burst splash more as a cantrip.)

    Hunt Prey: That is great functionality for applying MAP modifiers from Feats.

    Thanks for the replies.
    Last edited by Nodwick; Yesterday at 15:19. Reason: error in sequence

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Nodwick View Post
    Deific Weapon excludes weapons that are not unarmed attacks with d4 damage or simple weapons.
    So does Deadly Simplicity - read the requirements of the feat, not just the text.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nodwick View Post
    When a character applies Hunt Prey to a target, Flurry modifiers are not being applied. Both Hunt Prey and Flurry (Hunter's Edge) are turned On in the Combat tab. Is there another step to automatically apply the Flurry bonus? (My current solution is to duplicate the weapon with a new name and apply the Flurry Bonus.)
    Refer to the "How to Use" section of the "Flurry (Hunter's Edge)" class feature:

    This also refers you to the "Hunt(er) Prey" class activity on the actions tab (I'll need to fix that typo as it should be Hunt Prey), which has further How to Use information:

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