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  1. #1

    Kickstarter-like campaign for incorporating extension functionality?

    There have been a few interesting threads regarding extensions lately. One of the topics discussed is if SW could/should incorporate the functionality of certain extensions (generally by coding it themselves rather than incorporating the extension original code). As many other users, I believe the answer to be yes.

    As far as I have seen, the main problem seems to be that incorporating extensions functionality risks to be investing many coding hours without sufficient economical return. For this reason, I wonder if a kickstarter-like model where some functionality is going to be incorporated (and maintained obvs) by SW provided that a certain level of funding is reached could be viable.

    I would be interested in opinions about this by both SW and fellow users. I can already think of a couple of potential issues.

    - FG is not subscription based, and I believe we all want it to stay that way. General development of FG should not become paywalled, but imho there is space for a kickstarter format for more specific/niche features.

    - The developing team at SW is pretty small I think. Funded development of niche features could risk delaying the not funded more general development.

    - It is healthy to have external developers working on FG extensions, so SW would need not to step on their toes.

    There are probably other issues which I am not seeing. Still, I believe that, if carefully approached, the system could work. How does the community feel about this? Would SW be willing to consider something like this?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by snupy View Post
    There have been a few interesting threads regarding extensions lately. One of the topics discussed is if SW could/should incorporate the functionality of certain extensions (generally by coding it themselves rather than incorporating the extension original code). As many other users, I believe the answer to be yes.

    As far as I have seen, the main problem seems to be that incorporating extensions functionality risks to be investing many coding hours without sufficient economical return. For this reason, I wonder if a kickstarter-like model where some functionality is going to be incorporated (and maintained obvs) by SW provided that a certain level of funding is reached could be viable.

    I would be interested in opinions about this by both SW and fellow users. I can already think of a couple of potential issues.

    - FG is not subscription based, and I believe we all want it to stay that way. General development of FG should not become paywalled, but imho there is space for a kickstarter format for more specific/niche features.

    - The developing team at SW is pretty small I think. Funded development of niche features could risk delaying the not funded more general development.

    - It is healthy to have external developers working on FG extensions, so SW would need not to step on their toes.

    There are probably other issues which I am not seeing. Still, I believe that, if carefully approached, the system could work. How does the community feel about this? Would SW be willing to consider something like this?
    I like where you are going with this.
    Potentially make a top 3-5 to include and go for it, as long as the original extension authors are able to sign away their code.
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


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