Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by mdrichey View Post
    I sent Xelab a message and he said that he would look at it over the weekend.
    Any news? It's probably a small problem, because the creator of the scribe extension fixed his in minutes and it was the same problem, the position of the fields on the form.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by xelab View Post
    This extension is now only available on DMs Guild here

    Spell pinning is available on DMs Guild here

    This extension allows to (almost) fully automate spellcasting.
    It also fully supersedes my older extension "5E -
    Expending Spell Slots"

    Main Feature 1: Automating Casting Actions

    This extension will automatically cast spell actions when you click on a star button ("use power" button). By default, all actions will be cast in the order from left to right. If attack misses or save fully succeeds, the actions afterwards will not be executed. You can change the number of actions executed by default in Options. You can limit the number of actions per spell by putting "»#" in spell name, where # is number of actions to execute (e.g. "»1" will only execute first action). Shift-clicking use power button will not execute any actions.
    Update: the extension now also allows to automatically execute weapon attacks and use character powers in the same manner as casting spells.
    This extension can be combined with "Instant Dice" extension to achieve instant spell casting:

    Main Feature 2: Expending spell slots on cast

    This extension will also automatically expend appropriate spell slot when you click on a star button ("use power" button).
    If the character has both spell slots and pact magic slots the priority will be pact magic -> spell slots.
    Upcasting spells is possible by first entering intended cast level. Damage and healing should be automatically adjusted. You will have to manually take care of other effects (more targets, more projectiles, duration, etc).
    You can set default upcast level for each spell by adding "@#" in spell name (e.g. "@3" will try to cast spell at 3rd level). Ctrl-clicking the button will execute all action, without expend spell slot. Alt-clicking executes all actions as ritual casting (without expending slot and adding 10 minutes to casting time).

    The extension was developed and tested for both Fantasy Grounds Unity and Classic.
    If you find any bugs please let me know.

    1.0: Initial Release
    1.1: Added Damage and Healing Scaling for Upcasting
    1.2: Bug fix for Multitarget Automation
    1.3: Bug fix for Targeting 0 Creatures
    1.4: Improved compatibility with other extensions
    1.5: Added support for automating weapon attacks
    1.6: Fixed upcasted effect for some healing spells
    1.7: Improvements in compatibility with other extensions
    1.8: Fixed upcasting without expending slots
    Hello, how are you? Any predictions on how to fix the extension after the update, it stopped working?

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by mdrichey View Post
    I sent Xelab a message and he said that he would look at it over the weekend.

    nothing yet?

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