Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #61
    Did you have any other extensions loaded? I will check it out

  2. #62

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Updated. Thanks
    Thanks, that's looking much better now!

  4. #64
    I've got a weird bug. Both bag of holdings are showing the same name but different inventory as well as owners. I'm not sure what is going on but its throwing me for a loop. image_2024-09-27_165951846.png
    Discord: WodanMorningStar#0667
    Ultimate license FGU
    Current Timezone : Central Standard Time -6
    Playtime: Prefer Evenings after 5 Central, or later
    Pathfinder/Starfinder ID #2386714

  5. #65
    The name is editable. You must have edited them both

  6. #66
    was able to reproduce the error on a blank on with one of the bags edit both names even though they are different bags.bag2.png
    Last edited by WodanMorningStar; Yesterday at 23:57.
    Discord: WodanMorningStar#0667
    Ultimate license FGU
    Current Timezone : Central Standard Time -6
    Playtime: Prefer Evenings after 5 Central, or later
    Pathfinder/Starfinder ID #2386714

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