Quote Originally Posted by Ludd_G View Post

thanks for this, but unfortunately I'm not able to get it to work with the coding you kindly explained above. I'm struggling to get the radiant damage to only apply if the target is already vulnerable to bludgeoning damage.

Plus there is also the effect that any target not vulnerable to bludgeoning damage is treated as though it was, except for the extra radiant damage that only applies to a target the is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage by default. But maybe this isn't something that can be coded?

I am using Advanced Effects, 'Action Only', sorry I should've mentioned that.

Cheers for all your time and help,


I can’t help fully but maybe I can give some idea of how to get it to work.

Using the extension Blissful Ignorance you can use the coding “MAKEVULN”
Set it to action only. And use an !IFT: statement to check to see if they VULN already. Not sure if it would make it double VULNERABILITY or what. Might not need the IF not statement.
That should help with that VULN part.

About the check to see if they are VULNERABLE already to bludgeoning is going to be a bit harder. Because there isn’t always an effect on creatures that says exactly something to check for.

I think you are going to either have to hand wave something or manually check and roll.

Once I’m back off holiday. I might be able to help more if you don’t have it figured out. I should be back next week.
You can also hit me up on discord.