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  1. #71
    I haven't had time to review the changes yet, if you plan on using the new ruleset, I'd stay away from the extension for the time being. Thank you for posting the bug as it gives me a starting point.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  2. #72
    Hello, actually you don't need to use the new ruleset, even if you choose to not use the new rules, the update they did, broke any extension that uses the "action" tab if i'm not mistaken.

  3. #73
    No, they did an update to how the UI works and my script isn't compatible at this time. I knew it was coming but was more concerned with the extension I was finishing up. I am working on AW presently now that my new extension is out and currently bug free.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  4. #74
    Hey nice to know that you working on a solution. Do you have an ETA? so i can organize my next weeks session

  5. #75
    I do not they changed a lot with the 2024 ruleset, if you need aw I would advise to stay on legacy. There are no issues on that version of 5e
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

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