1. #1

    Short Slash Commands in the Help Documents Not Working?

    For the various "chat modes", like /emote, there are shortcut codes listed in the help documents that don't actually seem to work.

    For example, /emote lists /e as an alternative, but when I try to use it, it fills the chat window with the actually-valid chat commands instead. /em does work, however.

    Same with /mood (/m doesn't work, /moo does), and /ooc (/oo works).

    The help documents do say that "Most slash commands can be shortened as long as the shortened version of the command is unique," and I assume the problem is the Ruleset-specific slash commands? But commands like /export and /mod seem to apply to most Rulesets, so should the help documents be changed to reflect this?

    I admit this is a fairly minor thing, but it stumped me for a bit.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Yes, I think that will need updated. I'm not sure that /e or /o ever worked since those aren't unique (there's a bunch of /export commands, and /option commands) so I can see why /em and /oo work. And I believe that /mod is a fairly recent addition and would explain why /mo doesn't work for /mood.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

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