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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    There needs to be a number in that box in the power group otherwise the spell preparation feature won't work. It doesn't matter what number is there as long as there is one. If someone changes it to a zero then they'll need to change it back to a number for the feature to work.
    Maybe I do not understand you, or you do not understand me. Warlocks do not prepare spells. If you have any number in that box that I described, the Warlock does not see her spells in the Combat Mode.

    Prepared is input with a 0 and spells are visible in the Combat Mode
    Prepared is input with a 2 and spells are bye bye from the Combat Mode

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Dog View Post
    Maybe I do not understand you, or you do not understand me. Warlocks do not prepare spells. If you have any number in that box that I described, the Warlock does not see her spells in the Combat Mode.

    Prepared is input with a 0 and spells are visible in the Combat Mode
    Prepared is input with a 2 and spells are bye bye from the Combat Mode
    In combat mode, without the prepared enabled by adding a number, it will default and show ALL of your spells in your spellbook or collection, once you add the value and cycle to "prepare", it will allow you to select and prepare whatever quantity your caster can prep, manually. And then after this , when you cycle back to "combat" mode, only your prepared spells selections will appear, and not all of them as you've shown in your example images.

    Cycle the option to prepared, there you can select or deselect as needed. The prepared bubbles will not show unless your selection is set to prepared, and you've set a value in the prepared field. In both image examples, it's cycled to Combat currently.

    I agree about the confusion part, if it's set to 2 prepared by default upon character creation, this behavior will create a misunderstanding. In the interim, I will create a video in case and we must train our players until this can be investigated and or sorted. I don't know or cannot verify this is happening upon character creation, or if the players accidentally added a value in that particular field themselves.
    Last edited by Laerun; Today at 04:12. Reason: Clarity.
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