5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    [THEME] Magicant DARK


    My flagship theme, Magicant RED, has just joined the Dark Side. It remains a uniform theme that is easy to read. Some of its features (that it shares with RED):

    Increased font size across the board
    New chatbox icons.
    All toggles and buttons follow a uniform design (with some variety in coloration and shape, depending on function)
    Built upon the current Core theme, giving it a high degree of compatibility with most rulesets and certain degree of resilience to updates
    I hope you enjoy it, and happy gaming!
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  2. #2
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    Castle Rock, CO
    This looks great as well! Unfortunately, same error as Magicant RED with no other extensions / themes (5e):

    [9/25/2024 6:39:36 PM] [ERROR] icon: Could not find image file (graphics/extensions//fail100x100.png) for icon (FailIcon). [theme_magicant_DARK] [graphics/graphics_extensions.xml]

  3. #3
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Forgot to mention you can safely ignore this. And it will be fixed in the next update. It still loads the correct assets from the Core theme. I just forgot to delete the 'ask' for it from the XML. Also, for some reason, it only gives the error the first time you load it in campaign. On repeat loads it does not for some reason (at least in my system).

    EDIT: Fixed. You can run an update

    EDIT 2: Also, I should note something. I hadn't noticed the missing icon error you posted, because I was aware of another error about a missing icon (specifically the inspiration icon) which was indeed missing, and that's what my fix addressed. HOWEVER:

    9/25/2024 6:39:36 PM] [ERROR] icon: Could not find image file (graphics/extensions//fail100x100.png) for icon (FailIcon). [theme_magicant_DARK] [graphics/graphics_extensions.xml]
    That icon is not missing.

    Στιγμιότυπο οθόν&#951.png It is there. But sometimes, for reasons I don't know, it randomly drops errors about missing icons that are to service certain extensions. Despite the error, the icon in question (specifically, my theme's iteration of the icon) loads up as normal. So, when sometimes this happens, ignore it. That icon specifically is for the Downtime Tracker ext by Mad Nomad.
    Last edited by Vass_Dts; Yesterday at 02:18.

  4. #4
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Follow up on the previous.

    Thanks to the help of rhagelstrom (and when I say help, I mean he figured it out on his own :P ) it turns out the error was, as usual, a human error. I had a // instead of a / somewhere in the filename's path. Now, why even with that error it still loaded the file correctly, and why it only did it on first load and never again? (I literally loaded campaigns repeatedly and didn't get it.) Well, I don't know.

    Regardless, I've already pushed fixes for both RED and DARK.

  5. #5
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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    It actually kept giving the error on reloads, but I found the problem: it's the "//" in graphics_extensions.xml on that line:

    <icon name="FailIcon" file="graphics/extensions//fail100x100.png" />
    I removed one of the "/" and everything works fine.

  6. #6
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Greece or Iceland, depending on the time of year.
    Quote Originally Posted by GKEnialb View Post
    It actually kept giving the error on reloads, but I found the problem: it's the "//" in graphics_extensions.xml on that line:

    <icon name="FailIcon" file="graphics/extensions//fail100x100.png" />
    I removed one of the "/" and everything works fine.
    Read the post right above yours. :P

  7. #7
    GKEnialb's Avatar
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