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  1. #41

    Freaking Awesome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasmira View Post

    you can find my work on my forum ....

    MODERATOR - links removed. These themes contain copyright protected material and/or don't follow the Paizo community use policy. Until they do I'm removing the links. Sorry, but the FG forums don't allow copyright protected material to be shared without the copyright owners consent. For more information see the discussion starting post #26.
    Freaking Awesome! love them! Thanks....!

  2. #42
    Hello Sasmira!
    I want to thank you for your hard work on creating these awesome themes!
    I was wondering if you could maybe take a look at the PF1e Skulls and Shackles theme. There seems to be problems with a few background pictures for dice tray, headers and text beckground. The Header Fonts are barely readable as its beige on beige.
    Its been a long time, I know, but I could never forgive myself not to ask. I wish you the best

  3. #43
    I think Sasmira no longer use FG, he is on Foundry now.

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