Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinFreitas View Post
    Get the new one from the Forge, v2.0.5. Lemme know what you think. -J
    Wow nice work that was fast.

    So glad I can suppressed rolls again, speeds up my games greatly!!!

  2. #32
    Seen a few undead fortitude errors in the console since the 2024 update, mostly when forcing a saving throw versus a spell regardless if undead or not.

    Disabled this one for the moment.

  3. #33
    I’ll look into it. Thanks.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by bwatford View Post
    Seen a few undead fortitude errors in the console since the 2024 update, mostly when forcing a saving throw versus a spell regardless if undead or not.
    Hi. I've tried to recreate this and have been unable to see the error. I've tried with both the 5e Legacy and 2024 setting for the Game: Rules Version option and it works both ways. I'm guessing there is something else you have loaded in that Undead Fortitude might be conflicting with... can you provide the error log when it happens? Or maybe provide detailed steps on recreation so that I can get to see the problem to fix it? Thanks. I'll put a link to an animated gif showing it operating properly in my limited testing. Otherwise, yeah... running with this turned off is fine too as it only even comes into effect once in a while and should be easy enough to do manually.

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