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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Jerod View Post
    So I just noticed that this is no longer on DMsGuild and is on the Forge and I have to pay for it again? That is a nice double dip is it not?
    No choice on my part. Forced to move it. But also not a double dip. You still have it right? No need to get the forge version. Updates will still be made on dms guild for foreseeable future and you can find it in your purchase history on dms guild. Just new ppl can't get it there.

  2. #22
    Hi Mad Nomad.
    I'm not sure if you're still actively developing this extension, but it would be nice to have a way to disable the action tab modifications.
    This extension doesn't work well if a single action has more than 1 persistent effect. The "toggle off" icon shows up on all effects even if only 1 has been applied.
    Last edited by DameonK; March 13th, 2022 at 21:58.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by DameonK View Post
    Hi Mad Nomad.
    I'm not sure if you're still actively developing this extension
    lol, touche.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by DameonK View Post
    Hi Mad Nomad.
    I'm not sure if you're still actively developing this extension, but it would be nice to have a way to disable the action tab modifications.
    This extension doesn't work well if a single action has more than 1 persistent effect. The "toggle off" icon shows up on all effects even if only 1 has been applied.
    Replied directly to posted but fur others benefit...
    Will look into that option. But some work around are to give the multiple effect lines different names like effect name1 vs 2 and then it will address this.

  5. #25
    I have noticed a bug caused by this extension - it's quite a small visual bug to do with action button alignment.
    The buttons for each action under the Actions tab seem to align themselves into vertical columns with a single button of distance between each button.
    I've confirmed that this is caused by this extension by disabling everything else except this extension and MNM Core, and creating a fresh campaign, and a brand new character sheet, shown below.


  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Fingersome View Post
    I have noticed a bug caused by this extension - it's quite a small visual bug to do with action button alignment.
    The buttons for each action under the Actions tab seem to align themselves into vertical columns with a single button of distance between each button.
    I've confirmed that this is caused by this extension by disabling everything else except this extension and MNM Core, and creating a fresh campaign, and a brand new character sheet, shown below.

    If you are referring to the space between the mini buttons, it's intentional, to give room for the remove effect button that can appear if the button applies an effect. There was no easy way to update the location and give space for the remove effect button other than that.

  7. #27
    Some way to turn this off wouldn't go amiss...? It about doubles or triples the size of a high-level caster's spell list.

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