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Thread: Skill Effect

  1. #1

    Skill Effect

    Is it possible to add an effect to a character that grants them the bonus to something like Thievery rolls when picking a lock? The character in question has Infiltrator Thieves Tools, which grants them a +1 when picking locks or disabling devices. I was looking through the PFRPG2 Effect page and can't find any examples of things like this. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    I think I figured it out. I placed this: "EFFECT equip SKILL: 1 item, thievery" under the Automation field for the item.

  3. #3
    I believe can even get a little more detailed and pair it with the Open Lock activity, so you aren't getting the +1 item bonus when using Thievery to do other things, like pick a pocket

    From the WIKI: (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...PFRPG2+Effects)
    [bonus], [skill], [ability], [activity name]

  4. #4
    I tried to figure that out as well, but I gave up because I couldn't sort out the syntax of the effect to make it work.

    Not sure why I couldn't get this to work before, but this works:
    EFFECT equip SKILL: 1 item, thievery,pick a lock
    I wonder if there is a way to put some text in front of it so we know what applied it. So it could look something more like this:

    Theives' Tools:EFFECT equip SKILL: 1 item, thievery,pick a lock
    One better:

    Theives' Tools:EFFECT equip SKILL: 1 item, thievery,pick a lock,disable a device
    This seems to cover both applicable Activities.
    Last edited by Stargrove; Today at 01:03.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    You can't deviate from the PC automation syntax as detailed in the Wiki pages. So putting "Thieves' Tools" in front of the PC EFFECT automation will break it. But, you can put an effect name within the effect itself. Try:

    EFFECT equip Thieves Tools; SKILL: 1 item, thievery, pick a lock, disable a device
    Where the bold text is the effect that's applied to the PC as a character effect. However, this is essentially just an effect label, nothing will show when the effect is used in an action, other than [EFFECTS +1], so I'm not sure what you'd gain by doing this.
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