1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Release Updates for September 24th, 2024

    Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

    In order for some of the updates in data modules/books to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

    The following products have been updated:

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure Path #165: Eyes of Empty Death (Abomination Vaults 3 of 3) (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Beluthus spells.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Bestiary 2 (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Devourer spells.

    PFRPG2-data (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] Thumbnail graphics

    Horror Companion (SWADE) (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] Update and bug fixes (as per forum thread)

    SFRPG2-data (Starfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] Updated to include recent full dLC fixes/updates
    • [Added] level 1 pregen iconic playtest PCs.
    • [Added] deity lookup data records.

    Starfinder 2 RPG - Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook (Starfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Ancestry ability links embedded in description opened blank window

    STARFINDER 2 RPG RULESET (Starfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] SF2 logo in PC sheet

    Starfinder 2 RPG - Flip-Mat: Second Edition Playtest Multi-Pack (Starfinder)
    • [Added] Missing module thumbnail

    Cyberpunk Red: Core Rulebook (Cyberpunk Red)
    • [Fixed] Rest error
    • [Fixed] incorrectly colored buttons
    • [Updated] hq cyclers to have background frame

    Savage Rifts: Savage Foes of North America (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts: Game Master's Handbook (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts: Blood and Banes (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts(R): Land of a Thousand Islands (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts(R): Arcana & Mysticism (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts(R) North America: Empires of Humanity (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Rifts(R) for Savage Worlds: Atlantis and the Demon Seas Sourcebook (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Rifts (R): The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Savage Rifts(R): Tomorrow Legion Field Manual (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] For SWADE 5.10.1 Update

    Deadlands Reloaded: Player's Handbook (Savage Worlds)
    • [Updated] Compatibility update

    Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (Savage Worlds)
    • [Added] Define trait challenges for weapons, powers and npcs
    • [Updated] Construct description has typo corrected
    • [Updated] Frenzy short description changed
    • [Updated] Improved Sweep short description changed
    • [Updated] Relief power now has effect that was used for Fantasy Companion

    Seven Worlds Setting Guide (SWADE) (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Cleaned up formatting inconsistencies to align with campaign modules
    • [Fixed] Incorrect Vehicle (Ship) attributes and references
    • [Added] Missing reference manual links

    Seven Worlds Setting Guide (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Cleaned up formatting inconsistencies to align with campaign modules

    Epic Treasures (5E) (5E Compatible)
    • [Updated] Updated the File to use current module conventions

    Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook (D&D fifth edition)
    • [Added] Separated out the weapons page so that weapon and mastery properties now have their own pages.

    D&D Classics: Monstrous Manual (2E) (D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E)
    • [Updated] Refmanual data

    D&D Classics: Player's Handbook (2E) (D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E)
    • [Updated] Refmanual data

    D&D Classics: Dungeon Masters Guide (2E) (D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E)
    • [Updated] Refmanual data

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Player Core 2 (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Sorcerer weapon and armor proficiencies incorrect

    Pathfinder 2 RPG Ruleset (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Updated] Sidebar Open GM DC Panel button removed. Replaced by floating desktop button when GM DC Panel closed.
    • [Updated] Right side control positioning for PC Main and Combat tabs.
    • [Fixed] NPC action "Automation" label editable.
    • [Updated] Pre-populated effects: HIDDEN case change to Hidden
    • [Added] Off-guard token condition widget
    • [Fixed] Sorcerer weapon and armor proficiencies incorrect

    Savage Worlds Base (Savage Worlds)
    • [Added] Damage field can contain effect notation which would be applied in case defender fails trait challenge
      [Added] `Hard Choices` setting rule option
      [Added] `Creative Combat` setting rule option
      [Added] Text can be dropped on combat tracker to start check trait challenge
      [Added] `Electronics` type for attacks
      [Added] Pre-defined Maneuvering roll type. This will only work when vehicle is in combat tracker
      [Added] `/roll maneuvering` slash command
      [Added] `Roll` field in weapon and attack info record sheet. Use to define roll type for the attack. Supported roll types are `Attack`, `Test`, `Opposed`, `Check` and `Apply`
      [Added] Test support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
      [Added] Opposed roll support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
      [Added] Save roll support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
      [Added] Successful Trait challenge will remove defender from targeting
      [Added] Drop Benny on Trait challenge section to re-roll defense trait
      [Added] Drop number on Trait challenge section to set defense trait score
      [Added] Drag Trait challenge section and drop on another one to merge results
      [Added] Drag Trait challenge section and drop on another combatant to move the challenge to that combatant
      [Added] Trait re-roll will use existing Trait challenge section if any if found
      [Added] `Turn: Skip dead non-ally` option. Use to auto-skip incapacitated non-friendly combatants
      [Added] `Turn: Skip hidden actor` option. Use to auto-skip hidden non-friendly combatants
      [Added] `SKIPTURN` effect will auto-skip combatant
      [Added] On/Off field in modification. Use to control if modification is included in effect framework
      [Added] PC inventory show arcane device power names
      [Added] Added Strength die and Toughness to power armor
      [Added] [DEV] `CreatorManager.registerVehicularCategory` function. Use to register new vehicular weapon category names
      [Added] Player characters can be dropped onto the archetypes list to create an archetype
      [Updated] Damage roll applies to single target even if there are pending attacks in combat tracker
      [Updated] Equipped Power Armor grant size, pace, running, toughness, and strength effects
      [Updated] Performance improvements in combat tracker
      [Updated] Minor layout changes to combat tracker
      [Updated] Benny re-rolls includes user data
      [Updated] Duplicate combatant on combat tracker respects NPC numbering option
      [Updated] Updated power armor run die to not roll when armor is not on character inventory.
      [Updated] [DEV] `TraitManager.getTraitCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
      [Updated] [DEV] `TraitManager.getAttackCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
      [Updated] [DEV] `TraitManager.getDamageCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
      [Updated] [DEV] `TraitManager.getBaseCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
      [Updated] [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollTraitDrop` accepts user data as parameter
      [Updated] [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollAttackDrop` accepts user data as parameter
      [Updated] [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollDamageDrop` accepts user data as parameter
      [Updated] Player-owned allies and PC vehicles added to CT now default to visible to players
      [Fixed] Graphical glitch in Arcane Background button
      [Fixed] Boost/Lower feature on Trait fields caused script error
      [Fixed] Players get script error about `CharacterManager.updateLoadLimit` when joining session about
      [Fixed] Client combat tracker does not show `next turn` and `on hold` buttons
      [Fixed] Broken weapon icon didn't appear on client
      [Fixed] Vehicle weapon attack die not showing on client
      [Fixed] Attack & Damage rolls from vehicles does not use actor information correctly
      [Fixed] Attack & Damage cannot be rolled from armor record's mounted weapon section
      [Fixed] Player-owned vehicles and allies don't display targeting buttons for owning players
      [Fixed] Benny text glitches in some themes
      [Fixed] Double-clicking run die on power armor causes error
      [Fixed] Ally drag and drop no longer works properly
      [Fixed] The Rank drop down on the archetypes list doesn't populate
      [Fixed] Rank doesn't appear on the archetypes list with each character
      [Fixed] Right click on character allies list doesn't create a new ally
    Last edited by lokiare; Yesterday at 18:21. Reason: Removing unreleased products.

  2. #2

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