1. #1

    Exhaustion; Legacy vs 2024 option? For 5e

    Seems there's only the new rules which decreases the final rolls by 2x Exhaustion level. Is there an option for the legacy rules somewhere (maybe I'm blind)? Putting in the effects 'EXHAUSTION: x' only follows the new 2024 rules but the Players handbook (legacy) shows the correct version in conditions.

  2. #2
    I posted this response in Discord just a few minutes ago as well.

    Yes, there is a dialog that pops up when you open a campaign for the first time after update that asks if you want to use new (2024) or legacy (2014) rules. After that, you can toggle that setting in the campaign Options through the setting "Game: Rules Version". That will change the behavior of the EXHAUSTION effect to match 2024 or Legacy rules.


  3. #3
    Indeed you did. Just putting it here incase others have the same issue; We found out that the exhaustion rules of 2024 were taking place in the legacy as well and you said it will be fixed.

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