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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MyGivinOpinion View Post
    I don't have any content for any other systems at this time. As such if I had, I could make it compatible(in theory). Though, I'd have to look into it.
    It would be amazing to have this for Pathfinder 2e, could the free ORC rules be used? They're essentially identical to the paid version in terms of skills and such AFAIK.

  2. #12
    I've been looking into expanding compatibility and due to how it operates it doesn't appear to be directly capable of supporting other rulesets, that does not mean it can't be converted to alternate tools. However, I'm vastly unfamiliar with any system outside 3.5 and OG5e so I probably won't be of much use to develop those outside supplying the code base for any who are and are capable of producing such a product.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  3. #13
    Video tutorial can be found here -
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

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