Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    5e - Watch Your Step: Precision Trap Automation for Fantasy Grounds

    Watch Your Step: Essential Trap Automation for Fantasy Grounds

    Upgrade your Fantasy Grounds 5e experience with Watch Your Step, the most efficient and affordable trap automation extension available. If you’ve already invested in the software, now is the time to make your gameplay smoother, faster, and more immersive—without breaking the bank.

    Why Choose Watch Your Step?

    Affordable & Essential: Priced competitively to give you top-notch automation features without stretching your budget after purchasing the main software.
    Streamlined Trap Handling: Automatically trigger traps as soon as players move into range—no more manual tracking!
    Full Automation: Instant damage calculations, attack rolls, saving throws, and condition effects happen in real-time, so you can focus on the action.
    Skill Integration: Fully supports Investigation and Sleight of Hand checks, allowing your players to detect and disable traps with ease—no more keeping track on paper.
    Last edited by MyGivinOpinion; Today at 13:54. Reason: 1.0 Release
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  2. #2
    ::Notes from development::
    Although compatible with Drag token movement, it creates additional triggers due to being able to be placed on a line. The optimal way for players to move using this extension, for their own sake and your peace of mind, is for players to select the token and move using the arrow keys.

    Sometimes traps do not work for some inexplicable reason, if you have followed the instructions and it still doesn't work then simply create a copy of the ct entry, delete the original and replace with the new copy.

    After placing PC tokens on the map a /save command is required in order to set initial data relating to token position.

    Added a position tracking to adding a token to a map, updating the positioning in relation to the extension.

    Module included for proper effects and instructions.

    Players with more than one character will need to set whatever character they are about to move as active from clicking the chat bubble on the character sheet's main tab.

    Players now possess the ability to reveal hidden traps with a successful investigation vs the Investigation DC of the effect on the trap. The same can be done with Sleight of Hand, with Thieves' Tools in inventory, to disable a revealed trap.

    Added a check to remove errors from popping up in new campaigns without PC's and token movement by GM before players have grabbed characters.
    Last edited by MyGivinOpinion; Today at 16:42.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  3. #3
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Nashville, TN
    WOuld it be possible to make this available for other systems, especially Shadowdark?

  5. #5
    I don't have any content for any other systems at this time. As such if I had, I could make it compatible(in theory). Though, I'd have to look into it.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  6. #6
    A bug was discovered that prevented the position to be updated when token was removed from the map. This created an issue in assigning the tokens position upon adding it to the map. The issue and bug have both been patched and uploaded.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  7. #7
    Traps targeted by triggers were found not to be executing their actions, bug was patched and uploaded.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  8. #8
    Watch Your Step support for Instant Damage traps, AoE traps and effect placement have been implemented. All known Bugs have been patched new build is available. - Store Page
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  9. #9
    And now with skill interaction, if a player is within 5 feet of a trap token hidden from view, a successful investigation check against the DC will reveal the trap both on map and in combat tracker. From there players can roll Sleight Of Hand check to beat the dc of the trap and disable it from triggering, rendering it useless, but only if they have Thieves' Tools in inventory.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

  10. #10
    It was discovered that not all traps are compatible with this extension. They must have their actions described as they are in The Dungeon of the Mad Mage in order for them to function. Some conversions may be necessary to facilitate compatibility.
    FG License: Unity Ultimate License
    Timezone: -5 EST/EDT

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