1. #1

    How would I go about making a prop torch token that gives off light?

    Hi, new to FG.

    I'm trying to make a couple of prop tokens that I can throw onto a map when necessary - a lit / unlit wall-mounted torch. Idea being that I can drag / drop from the hotkey bar or something, and replace one with the other any time one of my PCs interacts with a wall sconce.

    I tried making an NPC token, adding it to the battle tracker and adding an effect - but it appears on my player's view with the standard NPC health indicator and the yellow square background. Is there any way to make it just the .png alone with the lighting effect?


  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Welcome to the forums.

    You can drag a token directly from Assets > Tokens and place it on the map. With that token selected you can add a light source to it via the Lights menu at the top right of the unlocked map lighting panel.
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  3. #3
    Thanks - is there a way of saving this lit token for re-use or do I have to add the light source each time?

  4. #4
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hieronymous Bartelski View Post
    Thanks - is there a way of saving this lit token for re-use or do I have to add the light source each time?
    Create a new image. Drag your torch asset to the layer list to create a new layer with the image. Add a light to the layer. Export the image using the export button. This will export the image to a new graphic file and generate a metadata file that lives next to it in the directory. In any image you can now drag the exported asset to the image or place it as a tile using the Layer | Tile tool. The new layer will bring in the light source and add it to the layer. You can also add occluders to an asset using the same export method. Be sure to refresh the assets list of your export directory to update the lst with the new graphic. Hope this helps.

    This page contains some information about using tiles. https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...aps+with+Tiles

  5. #5
    Ah, that's awesome - I'll give it a try later tonight.


  6. #6
    One way allows GMs to move the asset, the token route will give players access to move the token around on your map if applicable.
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