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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    ... But the honest question is why are you updating? ...
    Because the Update button flashes. I haven't used FGU for very long so maybe I just don't get it, but if I'm not supposed to update, then why does the button flash?

  2. #22
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by houseofdexter View Post
    It does seem like they are breaking extensions way more than they use to do...
    This is probably because in the past extensions were small things that did one thing (like implement Halfling's Luck, or other similar things). Extensions now tend to be beasts and do many things like rewrite character sheets and do things with the combat tracker and other essential features. The other thing which is impacting the situation is that over the past 18-24 months a lot of the underlying code has been re-written to allow more future proofing and also to allow more features to be added. The previous code was becoming too restrictive and needed to change to be more resilient to changes. Since many extensions interfere with this low level code and since many are bigger and touch way more areas of the code extensions break more easily and more frequently.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #23
    There are two main issues going on here.

    Extension/Ruleset Developers:

    SW has few resources and has chosen, yes chosen, to not provide detailed documents on things that have changed causing huge amounts of time being consumed making simple fixes because they have to be traced from the error - the reason it was changed - to what can be done to get stuff back to working. This is a huge unnecessarily imposed time synch imposed on devs by SW. I've suggested making them do what we have to do - expand out all source we touch - and do searches when we change things to judge the impact and what will need to be changed by those impacted. I've been told they have no intention of doing this as its to difficult. Telling me dumping a few GB of expanded source ( i exaggerate hugely ) into a directory and running a search with modern computers with modern storage devices using something simple like notepad++ is not hard. In fact, with scripting - its pretty damn simple. Short of doing this - a minimum I'd ask is that any changes make some attempt to preserve naming or legacy calls or at the very least document what changes were made and why they were made so we can cut down on our time guessing at all that. As shown in the following thread - I actually documented every time consuming issue I encountered and what the change was and what I had to do to replace it. Simple stuff - that impacted multiple extensions (even now still) - that took tons of time I did not want to spend getting my stuff back to working as it was before LIVE dropped.

    Users of Extensions/Rulesets:

    Users appear to be largely completely clueless to the RISK of using EXTENSIONS. As I say in every one of my forum threads for my extensions - EXTENSIONS = RISK - with a paragraph at the end of page 1 stating why. They somehow think the tiny dev team of SW has time to suck in extension code and incorporate it into their code base incurring all the RISKS and DANGERS that implies. Newsflash - 3rd party devs can be completely clueless on how to write safe code or clearly documented code with easily understood logic (just look at my stuff). So even if we would love to dump the responsibility of maintaining these extensions onto SW - the words "fat chance" apply to all but the most simple extensions. In fact, I have great fears that some extensions (looking at you AURA) that are heavily used and are in the works to probably have something similar done in SW will completely bust all the dependencies on them simply because SW does not have the time to actually grok what is being done and why - and simply go off on their own implementation losing functionality and dependencies that use the current functionality. Is this SW fault? No. Its a twisted mess to maintain your own code base with small number of devs already. The fact they allow 3rd parties to hook into their code and provided FORGE after some of us were booted out of DMsG (yes a whole other story most users are clueless about - why FORGE was created which is not the reason some posts state above) is a great service to 3rd party devs.


    Its a twisted messy issue that has no easily solved solution. I've both lambasted and defended SW from two different perspectives and if you don't grok that - too bad. It is what it is. Can things be done to reduce breakage of extensions? Absolutely. Can the RISK of extensions be removed?

    Hell no. Not a chance. You use them - you accept the RISK - or you stay far far away from them.

    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

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