Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Wishlist: FGU needs support for magical storage items like bags of holding.

    I've had to rely on extensions to manage storage in specialized containers thus far, but the last update broke the extension I used. There is a lot of versatility in FGU for sure but there are a few additions that I feel like should just be built into the ruleset.

    Coin weight and encumbrance are a staple of most RPG games and managing inventory and gear within limits adds significantly to game immersion I think. Having more ways to organize inventory as well.... If a thief steals a player's coin purse you shouldn't have to go in to inventory and parse out a bunch of different items, just remove the coin purse and everything attached should go with it, almost like it's a parcel. If a player tosses their bag of holding to another player it could take a long time to transfer those items over to another sheet, breaking immersion and using up a lot of game time.

    At the very least items in a bag of holding or haversack shouldn't count against player's encumbrance in base game without needing extensions.

  2. #2
    To be fair, with the inventory management system already in place you can set the weight of the item you are carrying (e.g. bag of holding) to be whatever the current weight is, and mark everything that you put inside there as not carried, so that you don't encumber based on it. Would the extra-dimensional storage capabilities baked into each ruleset be nice? Yes. Put it in the feature request
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  3. #3
    Where does one post feature requests?

  4. #4
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MartianXi View Post
    Where does one post feature requests?
    See this FG Wik How To article: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...t+Improvements
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    TLDR; click on the help menu above, and select Feature Requests
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

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