Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Em dash vs en dash

    I've noticed in many FGU-published adventures and rulebooks, including the new 5e 2024 PHB, that the conversion from the printed/digital source material is not translating the em dash correctly. The conversion process is instead replacing every instance of the em dash with an en dash. I realize that this is a minor issue, but it does make the FGU content harder to read and correctly understand. I'd appreciate it if the correct dashes could be used in future publications. Thank you for your consideration!

    See the examples below. For more information between the two types of dashes, please reference

    From the D&D Beyond Free Rules:
    Screenshot 2024-09-22 142254.png

    From FGU:
    Screenshot 2024-09-22 142400.png

  2. #2
    Yes, that is by design to keep the automatic parsing of the text consistent for negative numbers and more. It doesn't really change how the book reads.


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