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  1. #81
    This extension is really great, but I think my players dislike how many buttons it adds to the already busy UI - if a spell already has four buttons, and there are dozens of spells in each spell level catagory, it can make it a bit unintuitive to see what is what. Some way to turn off that functionality while preserving the live-updates of things like AC and saving throw bonuses and such would be a huge QOL update

  2. #82
    Getting lots of errors. Clean 5e campaign, no other extensions loaded except yours, no modules loaded.
    MNM-Error-1.jpg & MNM-Error-2.jpg

    Also, while testing the Character Sheets Effects Display was just not working at all. Tried an effect for +1 AC, worked when doing an attack roll in combat tracker but character sheet didn't change. Added stat points via effect, worked when making skill checks, character sheet didn't change.

  3. #83
    Since the 2024 PHB update a lot of this mod doesn't work properly. Console goes crazy with errors

  4. #84

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Nashville, TN
    Basically, almost all of the extensions that change the character sheet, NPC cards, items and other things were broken. Others may not get fixed through the Forge (not talking about MNM) as they are no longer being updated by the original creator. If you have other extensions throwing errors make sure to check the forum posts for those extensions as a fix may be posted there through GitHub. Personally, I'm putting 5E games on hold for the foreseeable future as I have no intentions of getting the 2024 version. I rely way too much on extensions to run 5E they way I want and the constant breaking of extensions is making it to much of a chore to run.

  5. #85
    Do we know if this is being updated? Of my 52 extensions, I've gotten fixes for the rest and narrowed this one down to my last one needing to be fixed.

    Also, for anyone first experiencing this, this happens almost every major update so if you're planning on using extensions get used to this kinda thing.

  6. #86

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Nashville, TN
    Quote Originally Posted by thedruski View Post
    Do we know if this is being updated? Of my 52 extensions, I've gotten fixes for the rest and narrowed this one down to my last one needing to be fixed.

    Also, for anyone first experiencing this, this happens almost every major update so if you're planning on using extensions get used to this kinda thing.
    I think he is overwhelmed with all the updates he is having to do, so it may be a while.

    This was a response on his Discord from the 18th.
    "They have the test server so I can test there. I don't really have any criticism. Its not that I dont know there will be changes needed. The issue is that THERE ARE CHANGES NEEDED
    it is not worth my tiem to build these in first place. And when I have to redo a bunch of stuff with continual changes, it is even less so the economics is just not there unfortunately"

  7. #87
    Thanks for the heads up! Sounds like he isn't all that interested in updating these, which is fine, but if he isn't going to maintain these things he should put the code up so someone else that wants to can do so.

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