Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Breaking Extensions so much

    I have been missing 2 months of gametime because you KEEP breaking extensions with your shitty updates. Why the hell do you install a system of PAID EXTENSIONS if you are not going to communicate with their Developers in order to try to make things smooth each update instead of ****ing up everything for everyone because you wanted to delete a single line of Code.

  2. #2
    We provide notifications in all our official channels for developers to provide lead time to adjust to upcoming changes. Because all extensions/mods are made by people not associated with SmiteWorks, we have no control whether they look at the updates we provide nor whether they provide updates. We always recommend not using extensions if you are concerned about errors occurring on updates, as well as recommend not updating immediately before a game or if you are concerned about the extensions/mods you use.


  3. #3

    Any chance we could get a system in place for extensions that includes an entry in the .xml that indicates the max version of the FG client the extension supports?
    Then, in the client, check all extensions before updating to give the user some understanding about what they are about to do. IE show a list of the extensions that would be outside of supported version.
    If it didn't have the entry in the .xml it just says unknown.

    The system would not prevent update but certainly could help with debugging extensions. I'm sure it is only a story point or two....

  4. #4
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FedeBerserk View Post
    I have been missing 2 months of gametime because you KEEP breaking extensions with your shitty updates. Why the hell do you install a system of PAID EXTENSIONS if you are not going to communicate with their Developers in order to try to make things smooth each update instead of ****ing up everything for everyone because you wanted to delete a single line of Code.
    Stop updating right away If using extensions. That is the answer. Once you have a stable game with the extensions you want, DO NOT UPDATE. If there is no reason to update, Don't. as I believe Silentruin says, "Extensions = Risk". I use 30 - 50 extensions and have for years. I have only had 1 play session interrupted due to updates, and that was due to a player updating after being reminded EVERY session, not to.

    I also agree that IMO FGU without extensions is only about half as good (Sry SW). so I get it. Update = BAD until it is needed.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jharp View Post

    Any chance we could get a system in place for extensions that includes an entry in the .xml that indicates the max version of the FG client the extension supports?
    Then, in the client, check all extensions before updating to give the user some understanding about what they are about to do. IE show a list of the extensions that would be outside of supported version.
    If it didn't have the entry in the .xml it just says unknown.

    The system would not prevent update but certainly could help with debugging extensions. I'm sure it is only a story point or two....
    World of Warcraft had (probably still has, not played in years) something like this - extensions had a version number, if that didn't match the current version of WOW, it would not load unless the player forced it (and then had issues with it not working but they got a warning sign before hand).
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  6. #6
    Perhaps Smiteworks could update the game to include the features that the most used and helpful mods/extensions. If they are a part of the game it will eliminate most of the needs for outside mods/extensions.

  7. #7
    There are a lot of basic functionality extensions that I would think could be rolled into the base game but of course that's maybe a big ask. The check for updates button could maybe have a secondary dialog window with a warning that updates may cause issues with extensions or something like that.

    My group discussed not updating the game but all it takes is one senior moment from a player to forget not to click it.

    Is there a way to rollback to a previous version? It sounds like the creator of one of the extensions I really like (CoreRPG Extraplaner Containers) is stepping back from updating and FGU and there won't be anymore updates unless he can find someone else to take over.

  8. #8
    For the most part, the ruleset updates are purely driven by the GM; so the most important one not to update is the GM if you want to hold off.

    If the application itself is updated, then the new ruleset code may depend on the updated client APIs/behaviors for new features; but those are less often.


  9. #9
    It's an absolute cop out to say "don't update" the game basically ever. The author of this post is 100% correct. This game has been buggy and bordering on unplayable for months. The saddest part is, the features being added are the novelty ones (isometric view anyone?). I have a significant investment in FGU and content. As a customer, the dev team shows ZERO remorse for these crazy issues. Yes, core extensions should be a priority to incorporate, especially when the developers abandon their extensions (no blame there, they are not paid) and leave the game poorer for it. I am extremely frustrated. Stop making excuses. This WILL NOT be a platform supported (as it is now) for long if this continues.

  10. #10
    Morenu's Avatar
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    1) Does the game work the way it was intended with no extensions loaded? Yes, with extremely few exceptions.
    2) Are extensions play at your own risk? Yes. With zero exceptions.
    3) Does smite works Give some sort of aid to developers prior to releasing updates? Yes, but from what I hear there could be better ways or more helpful ways they could implement this.
    4) Should smite works implement highly used extensions After talking to their developer? This gets a bit more hairy and has been answered in other posts. They have done it, I believe they are doing it currently with Auras. My personal belief is that any reasonably simple quality of life items that have high use should definitely be implemented.
    5) Is it a cop out to say don’t update for at least one week if you use extensions and then do your research? No. You are using essentially beta level add-ons from an outside contractor and Expecting everything to work. Would it be nice? Yes. But the honest question is why are you updating? Was something broken that needed fixed? 95% of the time no.

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I understand sometimes it’s unavoidable, but again I have played with 30 to 50 active extensions over the last four years in 3 rulesets. I have had an update stop us from gaming one or two times. And one of those times was player error because they updated without DM permission.

    I literally have multiple thousands of dollars invested in fantasy grounds and have very few complaints when judging the size of the company and minimum cost required to play. If you’re playing with extensions, stop updating Willy Nilly, Or at Least stop complaining about it. You’re upset because you don’t like the instructions in the manual, which is basically don’t update before session and especially don’t update if you’ve got extensions and don’t need to.
    Last edited by Morenu; Yesterday at 23:55.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

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