5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Thumbs up Changes to the 5e Game & Fantasy Grounds Functionality: Growing Pains & All

    The recent changes to the 5e 2024 rule set are impacting all digital platforms, not just Fantasy Grounds. These updates are part of an effort to modernize and align content across the entire D&D community, presenting challenges as everyone adapts to new rules alongside existing systems. This isn’t just a Fantasy Grounds issue; it’s a shared experience affecting most digital tabletop platforms and the broader gaming community.

    Adapting to Change:
    SmiteWorks Fantasy Grounds is not licensed or approved to fork or build a separate rule set, which means the platform must adapt to the newer 2024 5e content as it evolves. Feature changes and integration of the updated rule set will be in transition for some time, and this is not exclusive to Fantasy Grounds. Across Reddit threads, FG Forums, D&D Beyond forums, Foundry, Roll20, and other related platforms, developers and content creators are all experiencing the impact of these changes. This has forced many to scramble to keep their content relevant and compatible, highlighting the widespread nature of these growing pains.

    Use Your Downtime Wisely:

    1.) Explore Other Games: Fantasy Grounds is a versatile platform that supports a variety of RPGs beyond Dungeons & Dragons. This is an excellent time to dive into other games the platform offers, broadening your experience and keeping your skills sharp.

    2.) Create and Build Assets: Use this period to design tokens, maps, and other digital assets. Creating these tools not only enhances your future sessions but also keeps your creativity alive. This investment of time will pay off once gameplay resumes.

    3.) Spend Time with Loved Ones: Taking a break to connect with family and friends can be incredibly refreshing. Stepping away from the screen offers new perspectives, helping you return to gaming with renewed enthusiasm.

    4.) Voice Your Concerns Productively: If you’re feeling frustrated, consider sharing your feedback constructively through official channels. You can reach Wizards of the Coast’s customer service here: https://dnd-support.wizards.com/hc/e...ccount-Support. Providing feedback through the right avenues ensures that your concerns are heard by those who can implement change.

    5.) Vote with Your Wallet: Express your dissatisfaction by making thoughtful purchasing decisions. Choosing not to support products that fall short of your expectations sends a powerful message to companies like Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. This approach can often be more effective than venting frustrations within the community.

    Remember, We’re All in This Together:
    These updates affect everyone, from players to developers. SmiteWorks is and has been dedicated to improving Fantasy Grounds and integrating these new features, but it will take time and a collective patience. All platforms are facing similar challenges, and developers are working hard to keep content compatible. Let’s continue to support one another, maintain respectful communication, and use our shared passion for gaming to stay connected and uplifted during this transitional period.

    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969


  2. #2
    I've reported a number of bugs (especially in the Character Builder), and I've had to shut down a few extensions, but overall I'm not having any major problems with the 2024 rules, either with the ruleset itself or the FGU implementation of it. I've noted a few house rules I'm going to implement, but overall I have had a generally favorable reaction to the new Player's Handbook, and I'm eager to see the other two books when they are released. I've already begun building a new 2024 campaign in my homebrew setting, although at least in the near term I'm going to leave it to my players to decide which ruleset they want to use when we get to the next campaign break.

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