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  1. #11
    So, not sure if this is the place to ask, but did Fantasy Grounds remove the Action Summary column for entries on the Action Tab. I had a game active that had players Character Sheets with many actions with short-hand summaries for abilities; and they now appear to be all gone?

  2. #12
    The extra fields were rarely used by users (though I'm aware that yours did); and there was no default data that filled those fields. So, they were essentially blank and extraneous for the majority of users.

    Most users used the Actions view and just added shorthand notes to the spell name, if they wanted additional info, such as in this post.


  3. #13
    I see; so that's not a bug, that was intended. *sigh* can't say I'm not disappointed but I understand if I'm in the minority on this one.

  4. #14
    If you want to continue to use the notes (or at least get the data to copy to another field), here is an extension that will re-enable those.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #15
    OMG, this is great! Thank you so much!

  6. #16
    Ok, so one other question - regarding the new automated features; I watched the video of new automated effects by Zaccheraus - but my question is some of them seem to be based on Feats. Do you need to purchase the 2024 Rulebook in order to access the feats to put on your sheet to utilize those automation effects? Or is there a way to manually insert them?

  7. #17
    Can you provide examples of what you are asking about?


  8. #18
    Sure - I saw in the video the new Healer Feat would reroll 1's on healing spells; but since I don't see that feat available in the free rules or the legacy version; I don't see a way to trigger that effect on a character?

  9. #19
    If a PC has the "Healer" feat with the 2024 version, then the new automation would apply. (The 2014 version of the Healer feat didn't have that rule.)


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