Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Open URL does nothing!

    I know this is probably a super simple issue but I can't find anything on why this isn't working.

    Whenever a URL tries to open; it will make the pop-up appear "The following URL has been requested to be opened. Do you want to allow?" but when hitting Yes, nothing happens. And if I hit Yes To All, then the pop up just doesn't appear anymore, and still nothing happens at all.

    Very confused as to why this is happening.

  2. #2
    When the openURL API is called in FG, it calls the Unity openURL API which in turn calls your OS handling of URLs. It sounds like something is not set up in the OS to support the URL calls.

    Which OS and browser are you using? Do you have any security programs which may block applications from opening URLs?


  3. #3
    I'm on Windows 10 using Firefox. I do have a few extensions like Malwarebytes and UBlock Origin in firefox that would have to do with security or things popping up, if that makes a difference.

  4. #4
    It may. Like I was mentioning; FG hands off to a Unity game engine API, which calls the native OS handling.

    Are all URLs being affected; or only certain ones? (i.e. type in the chat box and try clicking on the link created for a very basic check)


  5. #5
    It seems that all links are being affected as even that link does not open when I hit Yes

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