Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    NPC Index issue: masterindexitem_window error message (a nil value)

    On the NPC tab, I've been unable to view "(All)" and "(Uncategorized)". Instead, I receive the following log messages:

    Screenshot 2024-09-19 082543.png

    Not sure how to proceed. I am running NPC Maker, which also seems to be malfunctioning. Any guidance would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    This looks like an extension has created a record with an incorrect data type for an NPC record; which is causing errors. Given it's an NPC and you are using NPC Maker extension (which I don't know what it does, but sounds like it affects NPCs); you should reach out to the NPC Maker extension developer for help. In the end, you would need to remove the bad record to keep it from impacting the list.


  3. #3

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