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  1. #441
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Feb 2017
    Greece & Iceland, depending on the time of year.
    Yes, KNK was broken in TEST, so it was expected that it would be broken in LIVE.

    The GOOD news is that items and spells still have their actions tab (talking about the latest version in post #438). The bad news is that the character sheet anchor points have been changed, as the sheets have been remade. So the item sections created by KNK appear, but on top of other elements. Mad Nomad's extensions have the same issue. So, I would assume it's a matter of identifying the anchor points and anchor those control elements there. That should bring it back to (mostly) functional status that Vaall managed to bring it to. Which is perfectly Functional enough for me and my group. (I haven't yet thanked you immensely for your efforts. KNK is extreme Quality of Life improvement).

    That and a few other things are the reason I have not updated yet.

  2. #442
    Here's a screenshot for reference. Capital Gains is doing the same thing. Screenshot 2024-09-17 221625.png

  3. #443

    I'm sending you an update of KnK with the correction of the display bug in the action tab on a character sheet.

    I think I can fix Capital Gain which has the same error.

    Thanks to SilentRuin who posted the solution to this problem on the discord (columnarchor ==> contentanchor)
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #444
    Hey Vaall,

    Thanks a lot for the fix, it works great (both for KNK and Capital Gains).

    I don't wanna bother you too much since you've already helped a lot, but is there any chance you could also fix Temporal Fixation (from the same author and I guess with a similar anchoring issue)?


  5. #445
    Quote Originally Posted by Nalistar View Post
    Hey Vaall,

    Thanks a lot for the fix, it works great (both for KNK and Capital Gains).

    I don't wanna bother you too much since you've already helped a lot, but is there any chance you could also fix Temporal Fixation (from the same author and I guess with a similar anchoring issue)?

    I'll pile it on as "Role With It" seems to have a similar issue (and no dedicated thread).

    Thank you for all you do. I wouldn't be using Fantasy Grounds if it weren't for all of these excellent extensions!

  6. #446
    I'd like to have a look. But I think it would be better to post on the right forum thread to avoid mixing up information.

    For "temporal fixation", I don't see where the display problem is. (I'm using the latest version of rhagelstrom found on its github).
    For "role with it", I've never used it so I don't know what it should look like, sorry.

  7. #447
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaall View Post
    I'd like to have a look. But I think it would be better to post on the right forum thread to avoid mixing up information.

    For "temporal fixation", I don't see where the display problem is. (I'm using the latest version of rhagelstrom found on its github).
    For "role with it", I've never used it so I don't know what it should look like, sorry.
    Temporal Fixation seems to cause this:

    Screenshot 2024-09-18 184110.png

    If you could point me to the correct forum thread for Role With It, that would be excellent. I can't seem to find a link. I'm guessing it would be a simple fix as all it does is just add a field to the NPC to hold a free-form role descriptor string (e.g. Brute/Soldier/Controller/Leader, etc.)

    Sincere thanks for working on these! It is truly appreciated.

  8. #448
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaall View Post
    I'd like to have a look. But I think it would be better to post on the right forum thread to avoid mixing up information.

    For "temporal fixation", I don't see where the display problem is. (I'm using the latest version of rhagelstrom found on its github).
    For "role with it", I've never used it so I don't know what it should look like, sorry.
    I think the problem was that I just didn't have the new version (I'm not really used to look on forums/github, I've always just used the Forge), so thank you for pointing me in the right direction

  9. #449
    I put out an update to Kit'N'Kaboodle & Temporal Fixation. It's similar to what Vaall did but is more inclusive. Find them both on rhagelstrom's github:


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