1. #1

    New Record - Window/Cursor Focus

    When the button is clicked to create a new record (Story/NPC/Spell, etc), it appears that the cursor position is removed from wherever it was previously and isn't placed anywhere.

    Should it be so that when a new record is created, the cursor is placed in the Title/Header to be able to name the new record without additional clicks? This seems like the likely next step 99% of the time. Otherwise, can the cursor just stay where it was instead of disappearing?

  2. #2
    Just pushed update so that pressing Add Record button on campaign lists will set the focus to the name field in the new record.


  3. #3
    Awesome! Definitely an improvement.

    I might suggest having the cursor focus there with the entirety of the old text (something like "New Image(|)" or whatever it was) highlighted... You can still type right over it with no additional clicks, and it might be more obvious where the focus went. ...and might be more consistent with this type of behavior in software in general.

    Example: Screenshot 2024-09-18 204853.png

    I'm fine with it as is though. Thanks much!

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