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  1. #1

    DnD 5e - Legacy Character Creation Save

    It's been mentioned on Discord, but I am creating Legacy pregen characters with the Character Wizard and the Save button appears to not be working.

    Also, the Species Ability Score adjustments aren't working like they used to. For example, the Hill/Gold Dwarf is supposed to receive +2 Con and +1 Wis. It only adds +1 to Wis. If you play around with the drop down under the Species you can get it to add the +2 Con but it removes the +1 Wis. A workaround I found is adding the addition the Misc row.


    Thanks for all your hard work in fixing stuff as it comes up.

  2. #2
    We'll need more information on the steps you are using to create the character so we can recreate and fix the issue here.


  3. #3
    I start with class and select the options I want Skills are Medicine and Religion, and I pick the War Domain subclass. Then I move to Background and select City Watch, then I move to Species and select Gold Dwarf. In the description it states the race gets +2 Con and +1 Wis. Then I move to Abilities and choose Standard Array and arrange where I want them. Under the Species row there is a +1 for Wis but no +2 for Con, I add that to the Misc row. Then I move to equipment and add the starting package stuff. I then move back to Class and add spells. 3 Cantrips and 4 Level 1 spells. Then I move to the Commit tab and click save.

    The console error appears and a character sheet pops up but it's blank with no data filled in.


    Also does with with all extensions unloaded, just theme and the FR language thing.

    Last edited by Viepyr; Yesterday at 00:05.

  4. #4
    This also does the same with the Free Rules in brand new campaign with nothing else loaded.

  5. #5
    The error presented should be fixed with the latest update.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  6. #6
    I have the same issue, without extensions and almost no module loaded, the ASI from species and ancestries doesn't add correctly following the character wizard with legacy rules. You get the +1 or the +2 but not both and you need to add it in misc manually.

    I have the latest version.

  7. #7
    A update is dropped now and is worse, things like "feats" in fighting styles didn't show anymore as subcategory of "fighting styles". And you can't see subraces/ancestries entries clicking on it the the character wizard, and they don't add the ASI anymore and do not let you to choose it either. In fact, the ancestry doesn't apply at all.
    Last edited by Urieldhynne; Today at 04:56.

  8. #8

    It's best to break out any issues that you have into topics with steps to recreate if possible. It makes it easier to make sure we're looking at the same stuff.

    Fighting Styles
    For Legacy classes, Fighting Styles were never automated in the D&D Legacy books, as they are not feats in the legacy version. Therefore, legacy classes will not see anything to select there.
    For D&D 2024 classes, Fighting Styles are a specific category of feat; and a selection is provided when the Fighting Style class feature is added. This works when I tested just now. The recent update just hid the filter that would allow you to incorrectly choose a non-Fighting Style feat.
    If you are having an issue with how they are supposed to work, please post the steps to see what you are seeing.

    Unable to See Subraces/Ancestries
    Not sure what you are referencing here. This appears to be working for PHB Legacy and 2024 subraces/ancestries for me. See attached images.
    If you are referring to something else, please post the steps to see what you are seeing.

    Ancestry Traits Not Applying
    I was able to recreate this; and will be looking at this tomorrow.

    Species ASI Not Following Legacy Rules
    As far as I can tell, this is working other than the subrace traits not applying (as noted above). We may need more information on what you are seeing here, or steps to recreate.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #9
    Yes, is better to break out the issue, sorry my previous post is confusing.

    Fighting Sytle.

    Yes, is like you said, I get confused testing and I thought it was always this way, but is like you say now and working properly, it shows now correctly with the 2024 module on.

    Unable to see subrace/ancestries.

    I can't click on the ancestry to see the entry, I click in the name and nothing happen. Normally you can click and see the popup windows with the entry of the subclass/ancestry and see the description.

    I have another question that I notice testing around, I notice that I can't choose classes from Tasha's anymore, and I check Tasha's classes and only shows Artificer now. I remember that previously I could choose classes from that module, and it added optional entries from tasha's class features to the character sheet, now you need to load manually the optional features. This seems more like a modification/update to Tasha's module and not something related with this. Is that correct?

    Thanks and sorry my english isn't that good and could be confusing too.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Urieldhynne View Post
    Yes, is better to break out the issue, sorry my previous post is confusing.

    Fighting Sytle.

    Yes, is like you said, I get confused testing and I thought it was always this way, but is like you say now and working properly, it shows now correctly with the 2024 module on.

    Unable to see subrace/ancestries.

    I can't click on the ancestry to see the entry, I click in the name and nothing happen. Normally you can click and see the popup windows with the entry of the subclass/ancestry and see the description.

    I have another question that I notice testing around, I notice that I can't choose classes from Tasha's anymore, and I check Tasha's classes and only shows Artificer now. I remember that previously I could choose classes from that module, and it added optional entries from tasha's class features to the character sheet, now you need to load manually the optional features. This seems more like a modification/update to Tasha's module and not something related with this. Is that correct?

    Thanks and sorry my english isn't that good and could be confusing too.
    I have found the issue and it will be part of the next update for the ancestry issue.

    This is correct. Tasha's classes, were removed to help cut down on duplication and to ensure the subclasses were placed in their own record space. The optional features would need further consideration, but for now they would require manual entry.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

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