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  1. #41
    Small thing. Mace damage is not showing up in actions.

    Edit: Adding to this. Looks like Bludgeoning damage in general has a problem.

    Further Edit: The damage does appear in the chat box as bludgeoning, it appears to just be that it's not displayed on the action tab. Looks like anything the exceeds the box is not appearing. The damage rolls correctly, it's just the display when the damage details runs beyond the box.
    Last edited by ShadeRaven; Yesterday at 15:20.
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
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    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  2. #42
    Issues with Druid Class Creation

    * Within the Character Wizard there isn't an option to choose Primal Magician or Warden. However when dragging and dropping the class onto a new character, that option does show. Even when it is chosen it doesn't automatically enable the proficiency for medium armor and weapons on the action tab. Meaning the "Proficient" Toggle wasn't being automatically selected.

    * When choosing Wood Elf (through Drag and drop onto the character sheet), it adds too many spells for 1st level. The Wood elf doesn't get pass without trace until level 5 and longstrider until level 3, both were added to my 1st level character.

    * This may be a proficiency issue as well but when my character had equipped the hide armor (on the inventory tab) the AC calculation was not showing properly on the Main tab. Again this may be that it "thought" my character was not proficient so it didn't calculate the AC with it included.
    Last edited by RodneyMohr; Yesterday at 15:18.

  3. #43

    The Character Wizard does not appear to give an option to select languages (Common plus two others.) I am not sure if this is by design because it is not too big an inconvenience to drag them onto the character sheet.

  4. #44
    When providing feedback, please provide steps and breakdown of how to replicate the issue you are seeing. Especially with the character wizard as there can be so many things that might affect this and might need a specific combination of steps for it to be reproduced.
    Dominic Morta
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    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  5. #45
    When I add the origin feat "Lucky" to a character, two effects appear in the actions tab. The one to give yourself advantage on d20 rolls and the one to give disadvantage to foes. The thing is, the rules as written for using Lucky to give disadavantage to foes only allows you to give disdvantage to attacks (DISATK), not saves and checks, but the effect there also included DISSAV and DISCHK.

  6. #46
    Really? I have to go through the steps? You guys forgot to add the means to select languages.

    Click Character Wizard and use only the 2024 material.
    Click Class - Warlock - Select my Proficiencies and get the Check Mark on Class. Click Add Class.
    Click Background - Wayfarer - Click +2, +1 and put the points in Char and Dex (BTW, you can place all points in the same Stat.) Get the Check Mark on Background.
    Click Species - Click Elf - Click Drow Elf - Select Keen Senses. Get Check Mark on Species.
    Click Abilities - Click Standard Array (or any of them for that matter.) Get Check Mark on Abilities.
    Click Equipment - Select either the gold or the equipment. Get Check Mark on Equipment.
    Click Commit - Add name and Save.

    Nowhere does the Wizard ask you to select your two languages. The character sheet does not even get the standard Common that everyone gets on the sheet under Languages in the Abilities tab, it is blank.

  7. #47
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RodneyMohr View Post
    Issues with Druid Class Creation

    * Within the Character Wizard there isn't an option to choose Primal Magician or Warden. However when dragging and dropping the class onto a new character, that option does show. Even when it is chosen it doesn't automatically enable the proficiency for medium armor and weapons on the action tab. Meaning the "Proficient" Toggle wasn't being automatically selected.

    * When choosing Wood Elf (through Drag and drop onto the character sheet), it adds too many spells for 1st level. The Wood elf doesn't get pass without trace until level 5 and longstrider until level 3, both were added to my 1st level character.

    * This may be a proficiency issue as well but when my character had equipped the hide armor (on the inventory tab) the AC calculation was not showing properly on the Main tab. Again this may be that it "thought" my character was not proficient so it didn't calculate the AC with it included.
    I'm not sure if all of the sub choices have been coded to add things like proficiencies; but you are correct nothing gets added. There's no mechanism at the moment to add in features to Species which are gained at later levels, so in the meantime everything is added at level 1. I'm not seeing any issues with equipping hide (or any other) armour. It's possible that issue was fixed earlier since weapons were not defaulting to proficient; so it's possible that Moon Wizard added proficiency for armour as well.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  8. #48
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Dog View Post
    Really? I have to go through the steps? You guys forgot to add the means to select languages.

    Click Character Wizard and use only the 2024 material.
    Click Class - Warlock - Select my Proficiencies and get the Check Mark on Class. Click Add Class.
    Click Background - Wayfarer - Click +2, +1 and put the points in Char and Dex (BTW, you can place all points in the same Stat.) Get the Check Mark on Background.
    Click Species - Click Elf - Click Drow Elf - Select Keen Senses. Get Check Mark on Species.
    Click Abilities - Click Standard Array (or any of them for that matter.) Get Check Mark on Abilities.
    Click Equipment - Select either the gold or the equipment. Get Check Mark on Equipment.
    Click Commit - Add name and Save.

    Nowhere does the Wizard ask you to select your two languages. The character sheet does not even get the standard Common that everyone gets on the sheet under Languages in the Abilities tab, it is blank.
    I don't think Superteddy's post was directed at you. Also it would seem that language choice hasn't been implemented yet since it doesn't populate via drag and drop either, So it's not confined to the Character Wizard.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  9. #49
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferno View Post
    When I add the origin feat "Lucky" to a character, two effects appear in the actions tab. The one to give yourself advantage on d20 rolls and the one to give disadvantage to foes. The thing is, the rules as written for using Lucky to give disadavantage to foes only allows you to give disdvantage to attacks (DISATK), not saves and checks, but the effect there also included DISSAV and DISCHK.
    I can confirm this one. Thanks for reporting.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  10. #50
    Just pushed a few updates to fix a few items:
    • CW multi-class rogue not adding extra proficiency
    • Spell drag and drop not assigning to existing Spells group
    • Ancestries not removing traits on reset

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