5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    fgu -- 2 issues -- set selected text to italic not working and chatbox overrun


    1) italic not working

    i could be wrong but i think i was able to do set selected text to italic before, but now it doesn't work (bold and underline work fine).

    i am using a custom theme and custom font with no italic font set (which again, i believe, it still worked before).

    in the graphics_fonts.xml file, i designated italic like this:
    <ttf file="graphics/fonts/ArimaMadurai-Medium.ttf" name="Arima Madurai Medium" size="16" italic="true" />
    can someone give me some insight where the issue may be?
    (italic does work in the default theme, so i am guessing i need an italic font set?)

    2) chatbox content overrun (see images below)

    some, but not all, contents seem to overrun outside of the chatbox at the bottom -- my theme:

    i tested this also with the default fgu theme:

    Attached Images Attached Images
    roll dice. it builds character.

  2. #2
    1) Italic font behavior in formatted text fields is working correctly for me in CoreRPG (and all related rulesets). The only reason I can think that you would not see it is if the formatted text controls you are using are set up without an italic font definition; or you overrode the italic font definition with a non-italic font TTF.

    2) You will need to update your theme to remove any positional overrides in the chat box (suggested solution); or set the correct anchors for the chat box to keep the controls from overrunning the space assigned to them (see CoreRPG:template_windows.xml). It looks like the chatcontrol position is hardcoded in your extension; which it should not be for maximum compatiblity.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    1)...you would not see it is if the formatted text controls you are using are set up without an italic font definition; or you overrode the italic font definition with a non-italic font TTF.

    a) the italic="true" set in the code i posted above -- does it not alter and display, like, a pseudo-italic through some code mechanic, like put the characters on a set angle / slant?

    if that makes sense... and were not the case, i would need to have an set of the font in italic, correct? (never had an italic set for that font and wonder why it worked before.)

    b) "...set up without an italic font definition or you overrode the italic font definition..." -- where would i had done this? (i don't think i had touched any code like this besides the one i posted above)

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    2) You will need to update your theme to remove any positional overrides in the chat box (suggested solution); or set the correct anchors for the chat box to keep the controls from overrunning the space assigned to them (see CoreRPG:template_windows.xml). It looks like the chatcontrol position is hardcoded in your extension; which it should not be for maximum compatibility.

    thx will investigate and update this xml file.

    roll dice. it builds character.

  4. #4
    1) There are no "pseudo-modifiers" automatically applied to font files. You must use a font already built as italic. Not sure where that tag might have come from in the past.


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