1. #1

    [BUG] Player characters can't be dragged to archetype window

    [BUG] Player characters can't be dragged to archetype window anymore.

    In the past a player character sheets could be dragged into the archetype window. Saving them as characters that could be added as a selection. Regular users could create Archetypes modules just with the existing UI.
    Ultimate License holder.
    Over 10 years on Fantasy Grounds !

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    This functionality has been restored.
    Also, the rank drop down now populates.
    Additionally, the rank now displays on each line item. (I don't know for how long this has not been working, but I think for a long time.)
    This will be included in the next release to Test.

    As a tidbit of related information (and for the record), here's how exporting pregens / archetypes currently works.

    Create PCs as usual.
    Export the module and select the Pregen option. All the PCs will appear as both archetypes and pregens.
    If you export the module with both Archetypes and Pregen options selected, all the PCs will appear as both archetypes and pregens. Any archetypes will not be exported.
    If you select just archetypes it will export only archetypes. It will not export PCs at all.
    If you want just archetypes to export as just archetypes, you must create archetype records and select archetypes in the export window.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Serfass View Post
    This functionality has been restored.
    Also, the rank drop down now populates.
    Additionally, the rank now displays on each line item. (I don't know for how long this has not been working, but I think for a long time.)
    This will be included in the next release to Test.

    As a tidbit of related information (and for the record), here's how exporting pregens / archetypes currently works.

    Create PCs as usual.
    Export the module and select the Pregen option. All the PCs will appear as both archetypes and pregens.
    If you export the module with both Archetypes and Pregen options selected, all the PCs will appear as both archetypes and pregens. Any archetypes will not be exported.
    If you select just archetypes it will export only archetypes. It will not export PCs at all.
    If you want just archetypes to export as just archetypes, you must create archetype records and select archetypes in the export window.
    Here is better tidbit. Do not use /export at all and you get better results.
    Ultimate License holder.
    Over 10 years on Fantasy Grounds !

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