Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    [BUG] Player characters reach overlay too large on first placement error

    [BUG] Player characters reach overlay too large on first placement error. Will run in test branch to see if fixed in next release.

    This is tricky one to catch and requires care in replication steps. Replication requires a new campaign and new PC:

    1. Drag to CT
    2. Drag token from CT to map.

    BUG: Reach overlay will display 1 square too large. CT default value for reach will be empty for Zero Reach value in rules.

    Behaviour is inconsistent and there is second bug here.

    3. Set Reach on CT to 1. There will be no apparent effect but note that overlay is the correct size.
    4. Set Reach on CT to 0 again. Overlay will now display correctly for reach 0. This what should have happened on first placement.
    5. Delete token from map.
    6. Drag token from CT back to map. Overlay is now correct and is not the result seen in step 1. The behaviour has changed.
    7. Delete token from map.
    8. Place token on map and note overlay is still correct now.
    9. Delete token from map.
    10 Delete player from CT.
    11. Place player back on CT and drag token to map. Bug appears again and overlay is too large again.
    Last edited by Lonewolf; September 16th, 2024 at 15:04.
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