FG License Owned: Ultimate lifetime

Time: Tuesday Nights 8:30pm Pacific weekly/biweekly/monthly (anything!)
Term: As long as needed, I'm good for a one shot as a test, short term run, long term, multiple campaigns!
Voice: I can use video chat or just voice, Discord is easiest.

Preferred Game: 5e (2014/2024)
Game Experience: 3.0, 3.5, PF, 5E, Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Fantasy Grounds Exp: I have been playing FG/FGU since 2011. I know the system pretty well from character creation to GMing and using many different mods and exts. I can create and manage effects for quick play.

Character type Preferred: I'm honestly good to play any class or alignment (e.g.. "evil" games). I grew up on skill monkey rogues in 3/3.5, but I love all the classes. I'm super interested in the 2024 monk.

About me:
I know this is a long shot, but due to having some little kiddos at home my availability is pretty low. I run a weekly game on Monday 8:30p - 12a for 7 PCs in my own homebrew setting, but I have not been a player since 2020. I miss the heck out of it! I've been playing TTRPGs since High school circa 2000.

Having DMed since 2020 I wish I would have done it much sooner, as I feel everyone would become a better player if they understand the GM/DM position at even a surface level.
I am a very open person and love all aspects of play from exploration to dungeon crawling, puzzles to roleplaying in character. I'm all for jokes and in character play and I believe the gaming experience is enhanced as friendships are formed so I'm looking to be committed to the group.

Hit me up here or on discord: Schwappy if you have any other questions!