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  1. #11
    That system does not exist in the rules. It is a binary they can carry X slots. So attempting to add an encumbrance system into the game is going to touch a lot of code depending on what you want it to do. You can always use effects on the CT to implement this.

    Why not look at OSE? That would be much easier to modify as all the code is open and it would simply be modifying a few functions.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    That system does not exist in the rules. It is a binary they can carry X slots. So attempting to add an encumbrance system into the game is going to touch a lot of code depending on what you want it to do. You can always use effects on the CT to implement this.

    Why not look at OSE? That would be much easier to modify as all the code is open and it would simply be modifying a few functions.
    I had thought about it, but I don't want 3-5 different dice mechanics to cover everything. I like the straight up d20 system. I haven't played actual Basic D&D since I was in elementary school in the early 80s, lol.

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