5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #51

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    I think WildKnight may be referring to the 2024 D&D Free Rules (equivalent to the 2014 D&D Basic Rules), which will be released in conjunction with the Players Handbook. This is not the same as the SRD5.2 which will be released after ALL the 3 main books have been released.

  2. #52
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The new SRD is scheduled to be released next year. There are some free rules that will be available much sooner than that, but those will be more like the equivalent of the D&D Basic Rules. It is different than the SRD.

  3. #53
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Ah, that makes sense. Thank you both for helping to resolve my confusion

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  4. #54
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    To follow up on discussions on Discord, the original strategy I had outlined at beginning of thread was based on the initial information we received on a clear distinction between character material for 2014 vs. 2024. Based on additional information we got as well as a lot of changing of minds during subsequent interviews by the publisher, we pivoted to take a different approach.

    Our current plan is that the 5E ruleset will remain in place; and all records affected by the rules changes will be marked as 2024 vs. 2014. This will flow into character creation as well.
    (i.e. 2024 versions of classes will add 2024 version of spells and vice versa) As mentioned in this thread, we will be looking at the "cross-compatibility" handling between versions, but that may take a little longer.

    So very happy to hear that. Maybe, just for those who wander into this thread later, it might be best to update or delete the initial posts that were acting on earlier information, and replace them with this post. Just in case someone just reads the initial posts and doesn't follow through to later in the thread. Not trying to be nit picky, just sort of wanting to future proof things based on user behavior. I've very appreciative of the massive work this entails and feel very grateful to have such excellent dedicated support from FG.

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