Hey all!

So I have been running d&d and pathfinder for over 20 years (as appropriate for each system :P).
Currently, I run a D&D 5e, soon to be 5.5 or one or beyond or whatever it is :P, and Pathfinder 2.0 Remaster on alternating weeks.

I am considering signing up for startplay, or through here if it works, but I do not know interest for such things so thought I'd ask the community here at large.

I love to run campaigns, not one shots, and love to see character growth and see where people take their characters.
Both campaigns I am currently running are both homebrew, but I have ran almost all Pathfinder 2e adventure paths as well.

To me, for pathfinder 2, the ideal player count is 5-6 since it tends to be a bit deadlier.
I'd be looking at maybe $5 a game and I could run 1 to 2 times a week, depending on the ground.
I love to help new players learn the system and work with folks moving from 5e to PF2 as well. Particularly, I enjoy running for a diverse in experience crowd so I can potentially help the newer players with the help of the more experienced.

I have the ultimate license from FG and all relevant PF2 resources.
So the FG cost to you is $0, plus any fun dice you like.

If a group is looking to either make the transition from 5e, or want to play again, I'd love to help that group.
I like to use Discord for voice and would share my server for those interested.

Dependent on the players, I could run one of the adventure paths that look interesting, or I could do a homebrew.
I'd love to run a game for a group of the same players so they can go from 1 to 20 and maybe beyond if the rules are out by then.

I usually run with the free archetype and gradual stat progression rules.

Please respond here and let me know!