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  1. #31
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post

    awesome! thx @kelrugem
    You're welcome

    Let me know whether it is okay now I can also add an option for that separately, so that everyone can set it as they please

    (I have to use that AoO tracker a bit more in my own games, I always forget that which is why I never thought about the chat visibility )

  2. #32
    @kelrugem, would this work for the alternate overlays extension as well?

    i had the regular one disabled in forge before -- which seems to be the one you just updated according to the file modified date(?), and now it is enabled after i updated fgu.

    what's odd is according to forge, the alternate overlays is now disabled, however, i still see the actual file in my extensions directory. what happens when both are enabled (or present in the directory)?

    i prefer and have only used the alternate overlays. sorry for the extra work request :-1
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post
    @kelrugem, would this work for the alternate overlays extension as well?

    i had the regular one disabled in forge before -- which seems to be the one you just updated according to the file modified date(?), and now it is enabled after i updated fgu.

    what's odd is according to forge, the alternate overlays is now disabled, however, i still see the actual file in my extensions directory. what happens when both are enabled (or present in the directory)?

    i prefer and have only used the alternate overlays. sorry for the extra work request :-1
    Oooh, sorry, I totally forgot to add the alternate ones! I updated them of course because I use them, too, and I uploaded those versions to the Forge pages of the alternative versions,* but I totally forgot that I usually uploaded both versions to the main page of the extended automation stuff

    I just reuploaded them, are the alternative versions there now?

    * The alternative versions had originally their own Forge page which I actually wanted to deactivate since I now bundle both versions on the main Forge page. I should maybe finally merge both Forge pages to avoid confusion (like confusing myself when it is time to update )

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Oooh, sorry, I totally forgot to add the alternate ones!
    no worries at all!

    it seems to be working, i.e. no visible feedback of a creature's aoo detail.

    another question tho:

    for the pcs, there is a "maximum attacks of opportunity exceeded" feedback when i held shift key and made a test attack (for purpose of mobility feat check).

    currently none of the pcs have combat reflexes feat, so that feedback is correct. however, i did a test and added this feat to one of the pcs in the abilities tab. it did not work to show that the pc having remaining aoo based on dex modifier. i also tried to add an effect ("combat reflexes"?) to same pc on combat tracker but still no. any idea why not, or am i not doing something correctly?
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post

    no worries at all!

    it seems to be working, i.e. no visible feedback of a creature's aoo detail.

    another question tho:

    for the pcs, there is a "maximum attacks of opportunity exceeded" feedback when i held shift key and made a test attack (for purpose of mobility feat check).

    currently none of the pcs have combat reflexes feat, so that feedback is correct. however, i did a test and added this feat to one of the pcs in the abilities tab. it did not work to show that the pc having remaining aoo based on dex modifier. i also tried to add an effect ("combat reflexes"?) to same pc on combat tracker but still no. any idea why not, or am i not doing something correctly?
    Oh, sorry, I absolutely forgot to answer!

    I think the automation for the combat reflexes is only for NPCs, because the only thing it does is to adjust the max aoo PCs are usually always in the CT and the FG code does currently not check the feats all the time for automation, so I thought it is not really needed to add automation for that.

    However, now after all the years with the other extensions (adding effects to feats to be added when one moves the character to the CT, and stuff like that) such automation might indeed fit well also for PCs Thanks for mentioning it

    For NPCs however it should hopefully work still, right?

  6. #36
    validating a few things:

    - using your updated alternate overlays
    - good to know this extension is tracking only npcs combat reflexes
    - if i read you right, it does not track the same feat for pcs

    for npcs, both feedback "maximum attacks of opportunity reached" and "maximum attacks of opportunity exceeded" work perfectly. it would be a nice-to-have feedback of something like "# aoo remaining" before those 2 subsequently appear ;-)

    if it does not track pcs, then there should be no feedback at all when pc make aoo, as it would only be confusing? but i am seeing "maximum attacks of opportunity reached" (see image below) -- which technically is correct since the pc does not have combat reflexes -- but it's incorrect based on my test should pc have that feat, which all together is moot since it does not track pcs.

    thank you!

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  7. #37
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    Oh, I see, let me clarify:

    The combat reflexes feat is automated for NPCs in the sense of that the maximum number of aoos is automatically adjusted when the NPC gets added to the CT; this is not automated for PCs. However, for PCs you can just manually adjust the maximum number of aoos Just click on the number box in the CT and adjust it And then the chat messages will behave as expected

    (and now I remember another reason why I didn't automate the max number of aoos: The dexterity of PCs might change in the campaign and that complicates the automation, if one aims for a complete automation. This is less of a problem for NPCs since they are usually not in the CT for a long time.)

    Thanks also for the suggestion to adjust the chat message a bit

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Oh, I see, let me clarify:

    ...However, for PCs you can just manually adjust the maximum number of aoos Just click on the number box in the CT and adjust it And then the chat messages will behave as expected

    you know, i knew about this at one time, but have completely forgotten about it forever... until now when you mentioned it X-D -- thx for that!
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by tahl_liadon View Post

    you know, i knew about this at one time, but have completely forgotten about it forever... until now when you mentioned it X-D -- thx for that!
    hehe, you are welcome

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