1. #1
    Ikael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Savage Worlds v5.10 Beta Testing

    Savage Worlds Adventure Edition v5.10.0 is now available in Test mode.

    Test Mode can be accessed by selecting the Settings button from the Fantasy Grounds launch screen, changing Build Channel to Test in the Advanced tab, and then selecting Update button to update the files to the test version.

    Key Things

    1. Always backup your campaign data before running the test version
    2. If the GM is running on test then all of the players will also be running on test
    3. If you encounter an issues log them here


    • `Hard Choices` setting rule option
    • `Creative Combat` setting rule option
    • Text can be dropped on combat tracker to start save trait challenge
    • `Electronics` type for attacks
    • Pre-defined Maneuvering roll type. This will only work when vehicle is in combat tracker
    • `/roll maneuvering` slash command
    • `Roll` field in weapon and attack info record sheet. Use to define roll type for the attack. Supported roll types are `Attack`, `Test`, `Opposed`, `Save` and `Apply`
    • Test support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
    • Opposed roll support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
    • Save roll support in combat tracker using Trait challenge section
    • Successful Trait challenge will remove defender from targeting
    • Drop Benny on Trait challenge section to re-roll defense trait
    • Drop number on Trait challenge section to set defense trait score
    • Drag Trait challenge section and drop on another one to merge results
    • Drag Trait challenge section and drop on another combatant to move the challenge to that combatant
    • Trait re-roll will use existing Trait challenge section if any if found
    • `Turn: Skip dead non-ally` option. Use to auto-skip incapacitated non-friendly combatants
    • `Turn: Skip hidden actor` option. Use to auto-skip hidden non-friendly combatants
    • `SKIPTURN` effect will auto-skip combatant
    • On/Off field in modification. Use to control if modification is included in effect framework
    • PC inventory show arcane device power names
    • Added Strength die to power armor.
    • [DEV] `CreatorManager.registerVehicularCategory` function. Use to register new vehicular weapon category names


    • Damage roll applies to single target even if there are pending attacks in combat tracker
    • Equipped Power Armor grant size, pace, running and strength effects
    • Performance improvements in combat tracker
    • Minor layout changes to combat tracker
    • Benny re-rolls includes user data
    • Duplicate combatant on combat tracker respects NPC numbering option
    • Updated power armor run die to not roll when armor is not on character inventory.
    • [DEV] `TraitManager.getTraitCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
    • [DEV] `TraitManager.getAttackCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
    • [DEV] `TraitManager.getDamageCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
    • [DEV] `TraitManager.getBaseCustomData` parameters should include actor reference
    • [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollTraitDrop` accepts user data as parameter
    • [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollAttackDrop` accepts user data as parameter
    • [DEV] `BennyManager.rerollDamageDrop` accepts user data as parameter
    • Player-owned allies and PC vehicles added to CT now default to visible to players


    • Graphical glitch in Arcane Background button
    • Boost/Lower feature on Trait fields caused script error
    • Players get script error about `CharacterManager.updateLoadLimit` when joining session about
    • Client combat tracker does not show `next turn` and `on hold` buttons
    • Broken weapon icon didn't appear on client
    • Vehicle weapon attack die not showing on client
    • Attack & Damage rolls from vehicles does not use actor information correctly
    • Attack & Damage cannot be rolled from armor record's mounted weapon section
    • Player-owned vehicles and allies don't display targeting buttons for owning players
    • Benny text glitches in some themes
    • Double-clicking run die on power armor causes error
    Last edited by Ikael; September 7th, 2024 at 17:15.

  2. #2
    Working great now - CT is super fast!
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  3. #3
    Ikael's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Latest beta testing version is now available via test channel containing all changes mentioned in the first post
    "Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up: THIS... is my BOOMSTICK!" -- Ash Williams, Army of Darkness

    Post your SavageWorlds ruleset feature requests and issue reports here!

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