1. #1

    Starfinder 2 Playtest Adventure A Cosmic Birthday

    Ruleset: Starfinder 2 Playtest

    Name: A Cosmic Birthday

    Day/Time: One of the following: A. FRI around 6 PM UTC, B. SAT around 6 PM UTC, C. SUN around 2 PM UTC, D. SUN around 6 PM UTC; starting most likely on the weekend of September 6th/7th/8th

    Frequency: Most weeks (the goal would be around 3-4 times per month, most likely no games on con weekends) for around 8 sessions.

    Video/Voice/Text: Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT (free demo version is enough), audio and other communication over Discord

    Total players: Probably two to three players so far, depending on the specific date.

    Players needed: Two to three more players, depending on the specific date.

    How to apply: If you are interested and will likely be able to make most sessions, please indicate your day/time preference (see above) in your application as a response to this post or through a Discord DM (search for the same username as the Fantasy Grounds forum name) and include the word "Zo!" in your application. Feel free to briefly introduce yourself and your familiarity with Fantasy Grounds, PF2 and SF1 (though no experience is required as long as you are willing to learn - I am happy to assist). Applications without day/time preference and without the word "Zo!" included in the application will not be considered.
    Last edited by stephan_; August 25th, 2024 at 20:10.

  2. #2
    Interested! Option B would be my only viable time slot (Option D would conflict with my 5e games occasionally). However, I have a contractor doing work on my property on the 7th; which I would have to oversee, so I would prefer to not start on the 7th. I could make the A or D slot work for the initial session.
    “When you're backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.”
    ― Harvey Specter

  3. #3
    I'm interested. I only have experience with SF1 and it was brief as most players in my group bounced off of it quite hard (they were experienced Traveller, MechWarrior & D20-Futures players) so we didn't finish the adventure. I enjoyed the SF1 rules enough to continue playing, but never got an opportunity again. I've read that SF2 is an improved version, so I'm interested in giving it a try.

    I'm in UTC -8, so only Time options A,B and D are realistic for me which equates to 10 am my time. B & D are the best as Friday is a day I work from home, but I'm in control of my schedule so not too much of a problem if I have to chop out 4 hours from late morning to early afternoon.

  4. #4

    starfinder 2

    Im interested in how your starfinder 2 is going i also played this and the mathematics in the 1st game was i bit lost on me? i was wondering how this version was going, i recall a scene with a zombie and a droid, the zombie destroyed the droid and it was lucky we had a technomancer with a magic missile, this took out the zombie, but i couldn't put any math to it? have they fixed these sorts of things out? the setting looks about the same...looking forward to a sharper system.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tagan View Post
    Im interested in how your starfinder 2 is going i also played this and the mathematics in the 1st game was i bit lost on me? i was wondering how this version was going, i recall a scene with a zombie and a droid, the zombie destroyed the droid and it was lucky we had a technomancer with a magic missile, this took out the zombie, but i couldn't put any math to it? have they fixed these sorts of things out? the setting looks about the same...looking forward to a sharper system.

    To be honest, I don't quite understand your question but the attack roll is generally compared against a creature's AC. If it's equal or higher, it hits. That's the same in SF1 and SF1. If it exceeds the AC by 10 or more, it's a crit in SF2 (not in SF1). Natural 20s upgrade the result by one degree. Spells usually also use attack rolls or saves. Magic missile (force barrage) is a bit of an odd spell as it ALWAYS hits, no attack roll or save required.

    Overall, the math is probably tighter in SF2 (as it essentially uses the PF2 math) than SF1 but I can't yet tell how well it works out.

  6. #6
    yes well that was a bit special. Magic missile really made it through all the immunities, the exact creature was an occult zombie all the best with your play test...

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