5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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Thread: Theme Issues

  1. #11
    The D&D theme seems to be fixed. I am still having problems with the Legacy - Light and Pathfinder - Official themes.

    Edit: Correction - Legacy - Light seems to be fixed. I hadn't noticed there was an update waiting with the new colour scheme for this release. Pathfinder - Official still has the problem.
    Last edited by PaulChatterton; August 17th, 2024 at 11:02.

  2. #12
    Thanks for reporting. I'll get that out in the next update pass. (Tuesday; unless a hot fix is needed before that.)


  3. #13
    I just purchased ICONS today, and it's default theme is also busted. Again, white on white for the tabs on the character sheet and the new default white text on yellow buttons dotted around the UI makes the text impossible to read.

  4. #14
    Just pushed an update to fix those two items. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


  5. #15

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