1. #1

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    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY

    Savage Worlds Updates for August 27, 2024

    Savage Worlds Updates for August 27, 2024
    These are the fixes and features that will be in the upcoming Aug 27 release.

    Bug Fixes
    Adding and removing cyberware does not update map vision. Updating the notes field on cyberware also does not update map vision.
    The "Create Item" radial button on all the character inventory lists does nothing.

    More to come.
    Last edited by Mike Serfass; August 22nd, 2024 at 16:13. Reason: Problem writing a comprehensible sentence.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  2. #2

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    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    New Features

    Cyberware has been completely added to the ruleset.
    Numerous settings use cyberware in some form; Rifts, Interface Zero, Last Parsec, Rippers. I think we'll see more hit FGU.
    Plus all the homebrew games many of us create. You can now have cyberware without creating forms and writing code.
    Now, to include cyberware in your game, add this to your extension to turn it on:
    Set bShowInventoryButton to true if you want the little cyberware button at the top of the items inventory list.
    Either way, you'll get a cyberware button in the right button bar under Characters.
    Also, it will turn on the cyberware list and put a cyberware inventory tab on character sheets.
    Put that, and the following call in your onInit function:
    where sFormula is one of these values:
    "swade sfc" to use cyberware like in the upcoming SWADE SFC
    "swd sfc" to use cyberware like in the previous SWD SFC
    "rifts" to use cyberware like in Rifts
    "iz" to use cyberware like in Interface Zero
    "no limit" to track just total strain
    This will set the selected formula for calculating Strain. It will also add the appropriate derived stats to character sheets.

    Creator Manager
    I've added a new interface for extension writers and setting creators. That includes those of you who dabble for your own use.
    It's the CreatorManager.
    The idea is to make extension writing easier, faster, and more accessible.
    CreatorManager will have the most common functions that creators use, so they don't have to hunt for what they need.
    You also won't need to know the underlying details of which manager to use, how it works, the right way to call it.
    A good example is cyberware, above. If you want to turn on bases/HQ/strongholds/outposts you won't need to know to write this:
    LibraryData.overrideRecordTypeInfo("hq", { sSidebarCategory = "creator", bExport = true, bHidden = false })
    or maybe this to turn on the hqroom button
    LibraryData.overrideRecordTypeInfo("hq", { sSidebarCategory = "creator", bExport = true, bHidden = false })
    LibraryData.overrideRecordTypeInfo("hqroom", { bHidden = false })
    You just call
    if you want the rooms button added with the Headquarters button.
    I'll be adding more helper functions to CreatorManager. Let me know what you would like added to it to make it easier on you.

    CreatorManager has explanations of what each method does and what each parameter means.
    CreatorManager can be found in the scripts subfolder and the file is named manager_creator.lua.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  3. #3

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    Ballston Lake, NY
    Bug Fixes
    Pilot Bug
    In some cases, vehicle weapons lose the Shooting Skill die of the pilot.
    Aki has this fixed and it will be in Tuesday's release.

    Until Tuesday, to work around this, make attacks from the vehicle character sheet, or assign crew before putting the vehicle on the combat tracker.
    The advantage to filling vehicle positions beforehand is that you don't have to do it for every vehicle you drop in CT.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  4. #4

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    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    New Features

    Creator Manager
    The following methods were added:
    setFatigue(nSlots): so you can set Fatigue. This is for the settings that use 3 Fatigue.
    setWounds(nSlots): so you can set Wounds. Zombie apocalypse game with only 2 Wounds, anyone?
    registerBenny: to make it easier to add your own bennies. You still have to create the image and do a little setup on your end, but it's easier with this helper. (Instructions in CreatorManager.)
    registerBennies: for adding multiple custom bennies at once.
    registerPlayerCancelEffect: for adding your own effects that players can remove.
    removePlayerCancelEffect: for removing registered effects that you don't want players to remove on their own.
    Last edited by Mike Serfass; August 25th, 2024 at 05:41.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Ballston Lake, NY
    Rulebook Update

    Doswelk updated the short description of the Sweep Edge.
    Add feature suggestions for Savage Worlds to Fantasy Grounds Feature Request.

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